Jassen, ♥ It's a solo trip without Hong Hyun-hee. Who's taking a picture for me? Explaining the suspicion

Sep 20, 2024

Jassen, ♥ It's a solo trip without Hong Hyun-hee. Who's taking a picture for me? Explaining the suspicion

Broadcaster Jason explained about the suspicion of accompanying him during a trip to Europe.

On the 19th, Jason posted a photo of himself traveling to Italy on his personal account. "I'm so glad I did it on the last day of the Vatican tour," said Jason. Pieta should have seen it from above," he said, revealing that he enjoyed a tour of the Vatican in Rome, Italy.

In the picture, Jason is enjoying a trip alone while touring museums and cathedrals. Jason recently said that he traveled to Italy alone thanks to Hong Hyun-hee, saying, `Someone with a wife who sends me on a trip alone to heal during Chuseok.'

However, there was also a picture of Jason taken by someone at a travel destination without his wife Hong Hyun-hee and son Jun-beom.

One fan said, "Didn't you go alone?" Who will take a picture of you?He asked, "If I ask Korean people, they'll do their best to take the best picture of my lifeLOLThe best. The best.

Meanwhile, Hong Hyun-hee and Jason married in 2018 and held their son Jun-beom in their arms in 2022. Jason and Junbeom are currently showing their daily lives on KBS2 'Superman Is Back'.
