Um Tae-woong ♥ Yoon Hye-jin, the mother's heart, Zion, the last goodbye while protecting her death..I was so thankful

Dec 26, 2024

Um Tae-woong ♥ Yoon Hye-jin, the mother's heart, Zion, the last goodbye while protecting her death..I was so thankful

Actress Eom Tae-woong's wife and ballet dancer Yoon Hye-jin thanked her daughter Zion for her mother's death in October.

On the 26th, a video titled 'Yoon Hye-jin's What see TV' was uploaded on the YouTube channel 'Yoon Hye-jin's 'There's something I really wanted to tell you...! (feat. hyperlipidemia diet recipe)'

On this day, Yoon Hye-jin confessed to hyperlipidemia, cooked 'Mushroom Muk', which is good for health, and shared a meal with her family.

Um Tae-woong ♥ Yoon Hye-jin, the mother's heart, Zion, the last goodbye while protecting her death..I was so thankful
Yoon Hye-jin asked her daughter Jion "What was the year like in 2024?" and Jion expressed her feelings about wrapping up the year with "There are new meetings, and there are separations, but I got along well in general."

Yoon Hye-jin said, "2024 was an unforgettable year for my mom"But I was so thankful to ZION," he recalled the time of his mother's death in October.

He expressed "I did things to my mother that I couldn't do when I was your age, and I put my heart into my grandmother." In a way, there were a few situations where Zeon could be scary because she was young. But when I saw Zeon act without hesitation or hesitation, I was so grateful that she didn't hesitate and said, `Because I love my grandmother so much.'

Yoon Hye-jin then felt a lot that Zion had grown up a lot. I said goodbye to my grandmother, and she must have heard it all," and cried. "When the hospital told me I had to say hello to my grandmother, my mother kept saying 'Wake up ' to my grandmother, and I kept waking her up from there, and Ji-on said 'Grandma, wake up' and she really opened her eyes." I remember it so much, she said. "She just opened her eyes somehow, so didn't she say, "'Zion saved it?'" recalled the last moment."

Um Tae-woong ♥ Yoon Hye-jin, the mother's heart, Zion, the last goodbye while protecting her death..I was so thankful
At the same time, Yoon Hye-jin also thanked her subscriber 'Jilchigi' fan, "So many people cheered for her." 'Please tell your momI read each and every direct message you sent to my mom, and she was so thankful. There were even people who came to the hospital after seeing the article. Thank you so much, and it cheered me up a lot" and shed tears.

Meanwhile, Yoon Hye-jin's mother Yoo Eun-yi passed away last month. He was 72. The deceased is also the wife of senior actor Yoon Il-bong and the older sister of actor Yoo Dong-geun.

After the mother's death, Yoon Hye-jin gave her six months of energy to prepare for her farewell, showed her that she was considerate of her children until the end, and tried to make her comfortable and left. He was always a person who devoted himself to others rather than himself to the point of frustration. There were so many people who remembered their mother as food, and I felt once again how much she has been giving. It was hard to let go of my beloved mom, but I gained a lot of strength thanks to your comfort and support", he expressed his feelings.

Then "I will always live with my mother in my memory, get back to my daily life as she said, be sad when I'm sad, cry when I miss her, laugh a lot, work hard as I used to do, and always give as much as I do." Thank you."