Jang Sung-kyu told his son to XX, Oyo Anna, and the suspicion of abetting bullying caused a backlash..In the end, it explodes

Feb 09, 2025

Jang Sung-kyu told his son to XX, Oyo Anna, and the suspicion of abetting bullying caused a backlash..In the end, it explodes

Broadcaster Jang Sung-kyu explained again about allegations that he had been on the sidelines of the workplace harassment of the late MBC weatherman Oyoanna.

Earlier on the 31st of last month, the YouTube channel 'Garosero Research Institute' (hereinafter 'Gahseyeon') released a recording of an MBC official's call to the effect that Kim Ga-young, a weatherman suspected of bullying Oyoanna, had split between Jang Sung-gyu and Oyoanna. Since then, there have been allegations that Jang Sung-gyu delivered the gossip he heard to Oyo Anna, and criticism against Jang Sung-gyu came out.

Afterwards, Jang Sung-gyu "When my name was first mentioned, I was upset that there was something different from the truth, but compared to the pain of the deceased and the bereaved family, it was a pain that was not as bad as dust, so I was silent without correcting it. Internet users who accepted the silence as a nuance of acknowledging myself began to increase, and malicious comments began to run on my SNS. I think it is the wrong order to try to relieve my small injustice before the injustice of the deceased is released. However, please bow your head and refrain from making malicious comments about your family until everything is resolvedexpressed the position that "

Jang Sung-gyu made his position again on the 8th through a community article 'Gah Se-yeon'. In this post, "Mr. Jang Sung-gyu. Isn't God guilty at all? If you have a conscience right now... Right now... Run to the families of Oyoanna and apologizeIt contains the content of "Lee", and Jang Sung-kyu "Thanks to him, I was told that he was a murderer, and there were people who told my sons to kill themselves. Sei's brother's influence is amazing." Then "However, if all the facts are corrected, please report on the correction." Oh, and if you let me know who the MBC employee was who falsely reported over the phone, I would appreciate it," he said, referring to Kim Se-eui's CEO. Jang Sung-kyu also left a message when Internet users criticized him "I was close to Anna. Please don't hate me too much."

Meanwhile, Oyo Anna joined the MBC open recruitment weatherman in 2021, but died suddenly in September last year. He was 28. The news of his death was belatedly announced in December, three months later, and the cause of death was not disclosed. However, the bereaved family's claim that the deceased was bullied at work while he was alive caused a stir, and certain MBC weather forecasters were suspected of being the perpetrators. In this regard, MBC formed a fact-finding committee and launched an investigation.
