I'm sick of Lee Byung-hun and Shin Dong-yeop..SNL casted, drank and crawled on the 3rd

Mar 17, 2025

I'm sick of Lee Byung-hun and Shin Dong-yeop..SNL casted, drank and crawled on the 3rd

There was a secret behind the SNL appearance of top stars jumping into the risk of humiliating meme production.

The video released on the 15th by the YouTube channel 『Out of nowhere" showed Lee Byung-hun appearing as a guest on the 15th.

Yoo Jae-seok appeared as the first host of Coupang Play's original 'SNL Korea'"I let off the rhyme. Lee Byung-hun said "Shin Dong-yup's persistence is" and confessed "I stayed up all night at my house for three days".

He said "I think Shin Dong-yup is really great. I really stayed up three nights at my house, he said. "You know Dong-yeop, but he doesn't look so persistent." In response, comedian Yoo Jae-seok "That's right. It's not to that extent."

Lee Byung-hun said "Shin Dong-yeop suddenly said he would come home one day. I brought 4 bottles of really good wine that I usually like" he said.

"The moment I took out the third bottle, it was weird, so I said 'Put it in.'" Sure enough, he immediately talked about appearing in 'SNL Korea'"and revealed the reason for appearing in the 2021 edition of 'SNL Korea."

I'm sick of Lee Byung-hun and Shin Dong-yeop..SNL casted, drank and crawled on the 3rd
Lee Byung-hun said, "Since we are very close friends, I wanted to help you and do something"But I thought it was too much, so I held on with the thought that even if I was drunk, I wouldn't say "OK, let's not do it." Shin Dong-yeop usually sleeps at 11 p.m., but stays until 3 a.m. Dong-yeop crawled up and went. I was wondering if you had a good time, but the next day, I came back and drank until 2 a.m. again. I endured well that day, but the next day, he pressed the bell again."

The reason Lee Byung-hun could not easily accept was because of panic disorder. Lee Byung-hun said "I'm honored, but I have something like nausea. "I feel a little naked on stage or because of the pressure of live broadcasting." "It's okay to stand in front of the camera as a role, but as soon as I say my name 'Hello, I'm Lee Byung-hun', all my hypnosis is ?tip 愎? 'What if there's a panic all of a sudden?" He explained, "I'm not used to being on the stage as myself."

He confided that "When Dong-yeop said 'Help me once, 'I might fall down"

Lee Byung-hun said, "'I'll do SNL one day because I know I'm only at home if I don't film.'"

Yoo Jae-seok wrapped it up, saying, `Byeong-hun is weak-hearted.' Lee Byung-hun was embarrassed by "So now my 'meme's flood."

Jungwoo Ha is also scheduled to appear as an SNL host. Jungwoo Ha appeared on Jung Jae-hyung's Fairy Jae-hyung channel on the 16th and said that the SNL host is scheduled. Jungwoo Ha Also "SNL is contacted every season. I refused every time, but this time I felt like I had to go out, so I agreed`````````.
