Lee Si-young, I'm excited and nervous about a new start after 8 years of breaking up..I lost 5kg.

Mar 25, 2025

Lee Si-young, I'm excited and nervous about a new start after 8 years of breaking up..I lost 5kg.

Hello, I'm Lee Siyoung! Everyone, I started YouTube. I'm excited and nervous because it's my first time running it myself! I've always wanted to share my daily life, but now I'm finally getting started.

The beginning of 'Pussiyeong' is 'Paris Fashion Week'. During the month I was preparing, I worked really hard on it, and there were a lot of trial and error. It's not enough, but when I watched the first episode I made, the memories were already fresh and my heart was pounding. Everyone! I hope you enjoy it, cheer for us, give us a lot of advice, and I hope we can communicate a lot here! I had quite a lot of Paris schedules, but I'll quickly upload two a week.

Anyway, my goal is to shoot for a lot of time and share it with you happily.
