Actor Um Ki-jun revealed his love story with his wife.
Cho Hye-ryeon, Kim Soo-ro and Um Ki-jun appeared on SBS 'Dolsing Foreman', which aired on the 25th, to showcase their all-time chemistry with Dolsing Foreman.
Eom Ki-jun, a new bride in her fourth month of marriage, said, "I've been working hard, and at some point, I thought, 'Now I can take a break for a while' and the relationship came," he said.
Asked if there would be any change after marriage, he continued, "Nothing has changed before and after marriage."We lived together before we got married. After four months of dating, I said hello to my parents and got married after living together" he said.
Eom Ki-jun, who is "Happy", naturally met two years ago in February 2023 as the younger brother of an acquaintance. At the end of the meeting, I first asked for the number, he said, revealing his love story with his wife.
He said "I also wrote a letter to my wife at the wedding, and even though I've been in a relationship, I met this friend and thought "I can live with him for the rest of my life in the future." At the same time, he laughed about his decision points with his wife all his life, saying, `That person's brightness.'
Eom Ki-jun "The proposal was made at the campsite. He said he had never been to a camping site before. He drew attention by showing off his love face.
Um Ki-jun also acts cute in front of his wife. The age difference makes me young" "I go out and wait and surprise myself. I often say I love you." He boasted of his love life.
The strict standard of being a short-answer human being is many when asked "Have you never been pointed out by your wife?" Why are you talking like that. I think he wants a more friendly way of speakingHe says he'll fix it if he's upset"As expected, he said in a short answer, which made him laugh.