NewJeans to Challenge Court Ruling on Contract Injunction
Mar 21, 2025
On the 21st, the NJS posted on its official SNS, "We respect the court's decision" but "The decision is considered to be the result of not fully considering that the members' trust in Adore has been completely destroyed." made a statement.
Then "Today's provisional injunction decision will be further contested through an objection process. We plan to dispute by supplementing the explanatory materials as much as possible."
"Until the time of termination of the exclusive contract, the members only faithfully fulfilled the contract and committed no imputation, while Odor and Hive, who are behind it, have continued to treat the members differently and unfairly, destroying trust, and I think it's only a matter of time and the truth will be revealed soon."
In addition, Newzins will reiterate that the contract has been legally terminated at the hearing date scheduled for April 3, saying that `there is also an ongoing lawsuit between Dorr and the members confirming the validity of the exclusive contract.' Unlike the provisional disposition procedure, the Civil Procedure Act system, which secures necessary evidence, can be used more freely, so it is expected that the evidence supporting the members' claims will be greatly reinforced" he said.
Those who said they are currently having a hard time "We want to overcome this situation by considering Bernese and many people who support us for the NZ. We will do our best in the remaining litigation procedures to communicate with our fans with a happier heart,' he said, adding that the reason for proceeding with the lawsuit is to protect our values and human rights.'
In addition, it was decided to participate in Hong Kong 'Complex Concert' scheduled for the 23rd to prevent unforeseen damage to fans and many officials who are looking forward to the concert," he added.
Earlier on the same day, the Seoul Central District Court's Civil Agreement Department 50 (Chief Judge Kim Sang-hoon) accepted Ador's request for provisional injunction against the five New Jin's members (Minji, Daniel, Hye-in, Hae-rin, and Hani).
The Tribunal explained that "Newzins' claims and data submitted to date alone caused the reason for termination of the exclusive contract by violating the important obligations of the exclusive contract."Or, it is hard to say that the mutual trust relationship underlying the exclusive contract has been irreversibly broken", he explained.
In addition, the court noted that "Dore has fulfilled most of the important obligations under the exclusive contract, such as the obligation to settle accounts, to the members of the Newzins."It is difficult to conclude that the trust relationship has reached the point of collapse, even if there is some inadequacy in the fulfillment of obligations under the exclusive contract"Adore raised his hand.
"As Dorr has been legally confirmed to be an agency of Newzins, he will be responsible for supporting artists in the future," he said, adding that "we will fully support this weekend's complex concert in the name of Newzins."
Hereinafter, the official position of Newzins is full
Hello, we're NJZ.
There was a court decision today. Our NZ respects the court's decision. However, this decision is thought to be the result of not fully considering that the members' trust in Adore has been completely broken. Due to the nature of the preservation disposition that must be carried out quickly, the decision was made about two weeks after the interrogation date on March 7, 2025, and there was not enough opportunity to explain all the specific facts to the court. Also, due to the asymmetry of information, Audor and Hive have all the information about the members' entertainment activities, while the members have to contact the officials one by one to ask for information. Because of the pressure and retaliation to be involved in the lawsuit, many people have not been able to cooperate.
Today, we plan to dispute additional issues through an objection process, and in the process, we plan to supplement the clarification data as much as possible. Above all, until the time of the termination of the exclusive contract, the members faithfully fulfilled the contract and did not commit any blame, while Odor and Hive, who are behind it, have continued to treat the members differently and unfairly, destroying trust, so I think it's only a matter of time and the truth will be revealed soon.
Provisional injunction is a tentative decision.
There is also an ongoing lawsuit between Adore and the members confirming the validity of the exclusive contract, and I will once again clarify that the contract has been legally terminated at the hearing date scheduled for April 3. Unlike the provisional disposition procedure, the Civil Procedure Act system, which secures the necessary evidence, can be used more freely, so we expect that this will greatly reinforce the evidence supporting the members' arguments.
The members of the NJZ are having a hard time, but as we have done so far, we are trying to overcome this situation with confidence and calmness in consideration of the many people who support the Bunnies and the NJZ. NJZ puts the promise of its fans above all else and will do its best to communicate with fans with more joy. As I have repeatedly said before, I would like to reiterate that our NZZ cannot be with our agency, which has insulted our personality and disparaged our performance, apart from financial matters. The reason we are proceeding with the lawsuit is to protect our values and human rights.
Meanwhile, the complex concert scheduled for March 23rd has been decided to participate after agonizing over preventing unforeseen damage to fans and many officials looking forward to the concert.
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