Yoon Hyun-sook, fighting diabetes, said the sad news. I'm dizzy after getting 5 bottles

Mar 13, 2025

Yoon Hyun-sook, fighting diabetes, said the sad news. I'm dizzy after getting 5 bottles

Yoon Hyun-sook, fighting diabetes, said the sad news. I'm dizzy after getting 5 bottles
Yoon Hyun-sook from Jam visited the hospital as a complication test while battling type 1 diabetes.

Yoon Hyun-sook posted a message on the 12th, saying, `I hate blood tests in the afternoon.'

He fasted until 1:30 p.m., drew five bottles of blood, and the second. I feel a little dizzy. "I spent more than three hours in the hospital today for a complication test"It caused concern.

Yoon Hyun-sook said, "As soon as I got home, I put in a lot of pork and cut off kimchi stew, so I just ate it. As expected, I love eating."

Earlier, Yoon Hyun-sook revealed that she was battling type 1 diabetes through her YouTube channel 'Jam and No Jam' last year.

At the time, he was diagnosed with diabetes when he went to visit because he lost as much as 38kg"I live regularly, don't eat sweets, and exercise." Now that it's showing up, you can't fix it. "I have to go with you for the rest of my life thinking 'diabetes is my friend', so I have to calm you down and go."

Yoon Hyun-sook, fighting diabetes, said the sad news. I'm dizzy after getting 5 bottles
In addition, Yoon Hyun-sook recently appeared on Channel A 'Best Talk Documentary - Table for Four' and confessed '"I also experienced a cardiac arrest crisis due to diabetes.'

Yoon Hyun-sook said "The heart was also a muscle, so if the muscle was lost, cardiac arrest could occur"There was a time when blood sugar levels dropped to 49. On page 49, he confessed, "If you pass out just before passing out, you will die."

Since then, Yoon Hyun-sook has been exercising steadily and sharing her daily life through social media and managing her diet.
