A woman peeling her nails like a snake's skin, because of the aftereffects of the disease
Jul 01, 2024
The woman posted a photo on social media saying that 5 out of 10 nails seem to be peeling off "I think it's because it's been a long time since I've applied nail polish "
Then some netizens asked "Have you suffered from hand-foot-and-mouth disease recently?," he said, leaving a note of advice that he should go to the hospital.
She suffered from hand-foot-and-mouth disease in April, British media Daily Mail reported.
Hand-foot-and-mouth (手足口) disease, as its name implies, is a relatively common acute viral disease that causes blisters on hands and feet.
If you get sick, you can see it with your eyes, but sometimes the number of blisters on your hands and feet is very small, or if you have a small, red rash that is not a blister, it is difficult to identify.
The disease begins when the patient's mutated hands or daily living tools (such as objects touched by the patient) that contain the virus enter the mouth, the patient's respiratory secretions or saliva enter the mouth, or come into direct contact with the saliva of the mouth or skin blisters. There is no fundamental treatment for hand-foot-and-mouth disease, only treatment to reduce symptoms. In most cases, it recovers naturally without any special problems, but complications such as stomatitis may appear.
According to the National Institutes of Health of the United Kingdom, it is a late complication that occurs four to six weeks after the onset of hand-foot-and-mouth disease.
It also explained that it is generally self-limiting and does not require treatment.
One netizen said, `This symptom occurred after my daughter also had hand-foot-and-mouth disease.' `It peeled off a few times and has since become better.'
This article was translated by Naver AI translator.