"Don't touch aliens"
Jul 03, 2024
Police officers in Crawford County, Missouri, recently stopped a prototype UFO-like vehicle on a highway, the New York Post reported.
The vehicle was en route to Roswell, New Mexico via Crawford County.
Roswell became famous after it was reported that an unidentified flying object (UFO) crashed on July 2, 1947. Every year, people who believe in the existence of UFOs gather here to hold a festival.
According to police, the controlled vehicle violated its lane and had expired license plates issued in Indiana.
Considering the size of the vehicle, the police imposed only written warning measures without fines. It also urged safe operation to the destination.
Police officers were surprised to take a commemorative photo next to a UFO-shaped vehicle instead.
Netizens are also amazed by the bizarre vehicle's appearance and want to praise the police officers for their flexible response" give a back reaction.
This article was translated by Naver AI translator.