Cirrhosis of the liver with only transplants, do you still want to drink?

Mar 12, 2025

Cirrhosis of the liver with only transplants, do you still want to drink?
data photo source=Pixabay

#. A 52-year-old self-employed person identified by his surname Kim could not stop drinking even after being diagnosed with cirrhosis several months ago. Eventually, jaundice and revenge became worse, so I went to the hospital, but even liver transplantation was difficult. Regret came to mind about his family to be left behind and his father, who died of liver cancer first.

Among OECD countries, Korea has a particularly high cancer mortality rate from liver cancer. Every year, more than 12,000 liver cancer patients occur in Korea, and about 8,000 people die from liver cancer.

According to the '2024 Alcohol Statistics Data Collection', 5033 people died of alcohol-related diseases in 2022.

In fact, 228 patients with alcohol use disorder were admitted to Dasarang Central Hospital from December 1 to 31, 2024. Of the 228 hospitalized patients, 57 were diagnosed with cirrhosis.

At Dasarang Central Hospital, an alcohol hospital designated by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, 21% of all patients were diagnosed with cirrhosis last year on average. Looking at the age group diagnosed with cirrhosis, middle-aged and elderly people in their 50s or older dominated. Most of them also had adult diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

Director Jeon Yong-joon of the Internal Medicine Department at Dasarang Central Hospital said "As patients with cirrhosis have a possibility of progressing to liver cancer, it is necessary to visit the hospital for periodic examinations such as ultrasound."For patients with cirrhosis caused by alcohol consumption, abstaining from alcohol is essential" he said.

The liver represents the food ingested in the body and supplies the energy needed for the brain. It also detoxifies toxins produced by food decomposition. When fat accumulates in liver cells due to excessive drinking, alcoholic fatty liver occurs, which can rapidly progress to hepatitis if left unattended.

At this time, if you don't quit drinking completely, your liver will eventually lose its regenerative power, leading to cirrhosis or even liver cancer that hardens, and you can even lose your life.

Fatty liver can recover close to normal within four to six weeks if you stop drinking, and get enough rest and nutrition. On the other hand, this is different for cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is a chronic disease, so liver transplantation is the only cure to date.

In addition, if a person who keeps looking for alcohol while skipping meals complains of fever or severe abdominal pain, diseases such as acute pancreatitis can be suspected.

Director Jeon Yong-joon said, `It is important not to skip meals because the liver damage caused by alcohol becomes worse when undernourishment is not enough.'"If you cannot control your own drinking, it is most desirable to visit a nearby addiction center or specialized treatment hospital without hesitation." he advised.

Cirrhosis of the liver with only transplants, do you still want to drink?
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This article was translated by Naver AI translator.