The number of cancer patients in Korea was 282,047 as of 2022, a decrease of 154 compared to 2021. Korea's cancer incidence rate, corrected for the global standard population, is 287 per 100,000 people, lower than that of the United States (367 people) and the United Kingdom (307.8 people), and the cancer mortality rate is also 77 per 100,000 people, the lowest among major comparative countries.
On the 21st, the Ministry of Health and Welfare held a ceremony to mark the 18th Cancer Prevention Day and released a report on cancer management policies and achievements.
On the day of cancer prevention 'March 21st', the meaning of '3-2-1' is that ⅓ of cancer occurrence can be prevented by practicing preventive activities, ⅓ can be cured with early diagnosis and treatment, and the rest of the ⅓ can be alleviated with appropriate treatment. From a medical point of view, the World Health Organization (WHO) reports that about ⅓ of the cancer-causing population can be cured if early detection and treatment are performed.
data = Ministry of Health and Welfare |
According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare's announcement, the five-year relative survival rate (compared to the general public) of cancer patients in Korea was 72.9% from 2018 to 2022, up 18.7 percentage points from 54.2% from 2001 to 2005. In particular, carcinomas whose survival rates increased significantly compared to 2001-2005 were lung cancer (24.0%p), esophageal cancer (21.5%), gastric cancer (20.4%), and liver cancer (18.8%p).
data = Ministry of Health and Welfare |
The rate of early cancer diagnosis has also risen. As of 2022, the fraction shown as 'Korean', which is not out of the organ where cancer has occurred during cancer diagnosis, was 50.9%, up 5.3%p from 45.6% in 2005. In addition, it showed a very high survival rate of 92.1% when diagnosed in the local stage. In particular, when looking at the changes in the fraction of the six major cancers subject to the national cancer screening project in 2022 compared to 2005, the effect of early diagnosis was remarkable in the order of stomach cancer (18.1%p increase), breast cancer (9.9%p increase), and lung cancer (8.0%p increase).
This article was translated by Naver AI translator.