Lee Jung-mo-se re-debuts Chunnok Dam-gil with Meat 3...Trot is a difficult genre, and participation is a big concern
Mar 24, 2025
Lee Jung-gwa and Moses said at the Top 7 meeting of 'Mr. Trot 3' at the Stanford Hotel in Mapo, Seoul on the 24th, 'Trot is a difficult genre' and 'Trot is a big concern until the decision to participate'
The original trot audition TV CHOSUN 'Mr. Trot 3', which brought the trot craze to Korea, wrapped up its three-month long journey with a highest viewership rating of 19.6% on the 13th. '
The top 7 Kim Yong-bin, Son Bin-ah, Cheonrok-dam, Chun-gil, Choi Jae-myung, Nam Seung-min, and Chu Hyuk-jin, who were created through 'Mr. Trot 3', will be active through gala shows, national tour concerts, and spin-off programs to repay the viewers' much interest and love.
In particular, Lee Jung and Moses are notable participants. This is because those who are already active as active singers in recognition of their singing skills throw their hat into 'Mr. Trot 3' and aim for a reemergence with trot singers Chun Rok-dam and Chun Gil, respectively. Chun Rok-dam (Lee Jung) came in third with beauty, Chun-gil (Mose) came in fourth, and now communicates with fans with the top 7 of 'Mr. Trot 3'.
Chun Rok-dam (Lee Jung), who introduced himself as a `new singer, Chun Rok-dam", said "I didn't know it would be this difficult because it wasn't the genre I did." I started with the illusion that I could express as much as I want within the technique and feeling I do. But it was a very difficult genre."
I learned a lot from watching the members' performances"I was impressed with "But I was surprised to come all the way to the big seat of 'mi\." Also "My wife gave me the biggest support. I want to take this opportunity to say thank you for supporting Lee Jaehoon of Cool," he said.
Chun-gil "I had a lot of worries until I decided to participate. I was doing something else, so I had a hard time deciding" he opened his mouth. Then "I'm glad that I kept my promise to be proud of my fans.""I'm grateful for the time I spent with my colleagues. "
'Mr. Trot 3' Top 7 will meet viewers on TV CHOSUN 'Mr. Trot 3 Galasho' which will air at 10 p.m. on the 27th.