Mt. Linzani was successful in climbing Mt. Linzani, a mountain climber with disabilities

Jul 07, 2024

Mt. Linzani was successful in climbing Mt. Linzani, a mountain climber with disabilities
Hope Expedition members are taking a photo before departure to climb Mount Linzani (3,726M) in Indonesia at Incheon International Airport on the 28th. Photo courtesy of the Korean Association for the Fraternalists

Mt. Linzani was successful in climbing Mt. Linzani, a mountain climber with disabilities
The 2024 Hope Expedition with the disabled and non-disabled has succeeded in climbing Mount Linzani (3752m), Indonesia's second-highest active volcano.

The 2024 Hope Expedition, which consists of a total of 14 people, including a disabled person from the Korea Association for the Disabled and a mentor to police officers from the Gyeonggi Southern Police Agency, launched a challenge to Mt. Linzani (3,726m) in Indonesia for a six-day visit from the 28th to the 3rd of last month. Mount Linzani, located in the northern center of Lombok Island, is the second highest mountain in Indonesia and has been sacred by the natives and mountaineers of Lombok. Although it is popular among trackers around the world thanks to the rare superb view of 'Active Volcano', the common assessment among climbers is that even non-disabled people lose breath as they climb to the top of the mountain and continue to slide into volcanic ash, making hiking quite difficult.

The 14 Hope expedition members got up at 1 a.m. on the second day after moving from Sumbalun to Force 4 on the first day, and succeeded in climbing the summit safely in 10 hours without falling behind with all their might, including a challenge that began at 2 a.m.

After reaching the top, Lee Jae-young, 45, has been together since the Kilimanjaro Expedition in 2017. Taking on a challenge is proof that I'm alive." Jeon Young-jae (55) said, `I'm called a man who lived on this side, and I've never had such a hard course. I climbed the mountain every weekend, built my body, and controlled the time, but it was not easy to hike"After looking back on it, "As hard as it was, I think it will remain an unforgettable memory for the rest of my life."," he said with a smile. Jang Eun-woo, 42, said, `I went to the mountains every week to build my body, but I gained so much weight that I was upset that my breath was steep and I sweated a lot, and my body did not follow my will well.I thought I should take care of myself thoroughly in the future."

Mentors of police officers who have been together for 17 years "This hike was the most difficult course ever among the expeditions we have been doing. It's hard to climb just because the mountain is high. Just because the mountains are low doesn't mean it's easy. Each mountain has its own characteristics and the difficulty level is different", he said, adding that "This hike took a very long time, as well as the road, but I'm just grateful that I climbed and climbed safely without anyone getting hurt.' Lee Byung-guk (Seongnam Jungwon Police Station) said, `I was really surprised by the will and persistence of the disabled members. I wanted to give up in the middle because it was so hard, but I couldn't break the challenge and courage of the disabled to climb.

G)Kim Jin-hee, chairman of the Association for the Disabled, said "There were some members who showed symptoms of complaint, but I am grateful that I did not give up until the end and reached the top." Most important of all, individual disabled people can be 'He congratulated the members on their achievement by saying, "'I made it' and the spirit of challenge.'" `In the future, Hope Expedition will deliver challenges and hopes to the disabled and genuine service, learning, and the joy of sharing with non-disabled mentors,' he said.

The Hope Expedition started with the Hope Expedition in the Himalayas from 2007 to 2008 and is located at Mount Baekdu (2,744 meters).It has climbed China's Okryeongseolsan Mountain (5600m), Mongolia's Yeongsan Mountain Chechengungsan Mountain, Southeast Asia's highest peak Kinabalu (4891m), and Africa's highest peak Kilimanjaro (5984m).

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.