The 2024 Seoul Forest Sports Association evaluation meeting was held at the Seoul Sports Council for the Disabled in Munjeong-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul on the 27th. Teachers participating in the Seoul Forest Sports Festival, who received a sports shipbuilding certificate of appreciation, are posing for Seoul Forest V. Moon Jeong-dong = Song Jeong-heon Reporter's songs@sportschosun.com/2024.12.27/ |
The 2024 Seoul Forest Sports Association evaluation meeting was held at the Seoul Sports Council for the Disabled in Munjeong-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul on the 27th. teachers in heated discussion. Moon Jeong-dong = Song Jeong-heon Reporter's songs@sportschosun.com/2024.12.27/ |
On the 27th, the '2024 Seoul Forest Sports Association Evaluation Meeting' was held in the conference room of the Seoul Sports Association for the Disabled in Songpa-gu, Seoul. A welcome face gathered again in one place. On November 2nd '2024 Seoul Forest Sports Festival -' (sponsored by Sports Chosun - Seoul Sports Council for the Disabled, Weepike, Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education - Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism - Korea Sports Council for the Disabled - Seoul National University Sports Promotion Agency - Healthy Physical Activity Research Institute) was heartwarming until the end. After a long time, the teachers who reunited 'Soullim' accepted the letter of appreciation and encouraged each other. We talked candidly about how we felt about participating in the Seoul Forest and the direction we would go. Seoul Forest Program Operation 'Honey Tip' was shared and promised in 2025.
The Seoul Sports Council for the Disabled and Sports Chosun also selected excellent schools of the Seoul Forest Sports Association as indicators of the size and participation of the team, ranking of official sports, and monitoring of the integrated sports club. Three high school teachers were awarded the Seoul Sports Council Presidential Award, and three middle schools were awarded the Seoul Metropolitan Superintendent of Education Award. Special teacher Park Hyun-jung, Seoul National University College High School, and Choi Mi-hye Hyehwa Girls' High School, who received the Seoul Sports Council President's Award on behalf of the "Seoul Limer", delivered the "Behind Story of Seoul Limer".
The 2024 Seoul Forest Sports Association evaluation meeting was held at the Seoul Sports Council for the Disabled in Munjeong-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul on the 27th. Park Hyun-jung, a Shinseo High School teacher who receives a letter of appreciation from the left and poses for Seoul Forest V, Kwon Kwon-tae, acting secretary general of the Seoul Sports Council for the Disabled, Yeom Hyun-sun, a Seoul National University High School teacher, and Choi Mi-hyehwa Girls' High School teacher. Moon Jeong-dong = Song Jeong-heon Reporter's songs@sportschosun.com/2024.12.27/ |
The 2024 Seoul Forest Sports Association evaluation meeting was held at the Seoul Sports Council for the Disabled in Munjeong-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul on the 27th. Park Hyun-jung, a teacher at Shinseo High School who received a letter of appreciation from acting director of the Seoul Sports Council for the Disabled. Moon Jeong-dong = Song Jeong-heon Reporter's songs@sportschosun.com/2024.12.27/ |
▶Soulim, and 2 months
Seoul Forest, which was together as a 'one team', is over. And it's been more than two months. The lingering feeling continued. Choi Mi-hye, a teacher at Hyehwa Girls' High School, agonized over how to increase participation of non-disabled students when she first participated in Seoul Forest last year. I was also worried about the after-school academy schedule. In fact, there were difficulties at first, but it changed as word of mouth went viral. It is the second time this year, and as soon as I posted a recruitment announcement, non-disabled students applied immediately. "He also introduced success stories and disclosed special know-how. As a participation in the 'Disability-Non-Disability Integrated Physical Education Program', write positive information in the life record book. As an after-school activity, barista classes were held, and priority was given to students participating in the Seoul Forest. At first, it was hooked on 'Benefit (benefit)', but it became a true integrated education by learning more from the experience together. It is explained that internal motives are created through external motives. "After the seoul was over, the non-disabled students said they wanted to participate again" he laughed.
Teacher Yeom Hyun-sun invited disabled and non-disabled students who participated in the Seoul Forest during the festival and spent time together. We practiced a total of 15 times every Wednesday for Seoul Forest participation. Even after Seoul Forest, we had a simple party. I asked the non-disabled students who participated this time 'Can you do it next year?' and one said he would gladly join me. Disability-non-disabled students greet each time they walk through the hallways with pleasure." Teacher Yeom led Seoul University Middle School in 2023 and Seoul University High School this year and participated in Seoul Forest for two consecutive years.
Park Hyun-jung, a teacher at Shinseo High School, also said "Among non-disabled students, those who have helped students with disabilities participated, and they got closer as they got along together and continue to be close."He is promising next year by talking about the memories of "Sullim". "What kind of event are you going to participate in next year?" he hinted. Teacher Park cited the greatest harvest as the `increased self-esteem of students with disabilities through preparation for the competition and participation in the competition.' Shinseo, led by Park, won the best prize in the Pose Awards (photo) and the second prize in the Reels category at the Seoul Forest Sports Festival.
The 2024 Seoul Forest Sports Association evaluation meeting was held at the Seoul Sports Council for the Disabled in Munjeong-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul on the 27th. Choi Mi-hye Hyehwa Girls' High School teacher who received a letter of appreciation from acting director of the Seoul Sports Council for the Disabled. Moon Jeong-dong = Song Jeong-heon Reporter's songs@sportschosun.com/2024.12.27/ |
The 2024 Seoul Forest Sports Association evaluation meeting was held at the Seoul Sports Council for the Disabled in Munjeong-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul on the 27th. Choi Mi-hye Hyehwa Girls' High School teacher who is interviewed. Moon Jeong-dong = Song Jeong-heon Reporter's songs@sportschosun.com/2024.12.27/ |
The 2024 Seoul Forest Sports Association evaluation meeting was held at the Seoul Sports Council for the Disabled in Munjeong-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul on the 27th. Yeom Hyun-sun, a teacher at Seoul National University High School who received a letter of appreciation from acting director of the Seoul Sports Council for the Disabled. Moon Jeong-dong = Song Jeong-heon Reporter's songs@sportschosun.com/2024.12.27/ |
The 2024 Seoul Forest Sports Association evaluation meeting was held at the Seoul Sports Council for the Disabled in Munjeong-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul on the 27th. Yeom Hyun-sun, a teacher at Seoul National University High School who was interviewed. Moon Jeong-dong = Song Jeong-heon Reporter's songs@sportschosun.com/2024.12.27/ |
▶ What Seoullim left behind
Seoul Forest was not just a 'one-off sports day' The disabled-non-disabled student mingled and broke down the 'wall' that surrounded them. It was an opportunity to encourage teachers who cried and laughed with students. Teacher Park Hyun-jung applied because she knew there was a seoul forest while planning a new challenge activity. It was really nice to try it myself. The helpless students prepared until the end with a sense of challenge and felt a sense of accomplishment. It was a really good activity for the students." "I was also satisfied that I was able to give students new activities. If I have a chance next year, I would like to participate. When I went home afterwards, I was physically tired because it was 8 p.m., but I was still proud."
Yeom Hyun-sun majored in special sports at the university. The educational field made a lot of efforts to improve the physical education environment, but the participation rate was low because it was a program conducted by one teacher. Since Seoul Forest is an official competition, we could officially train together. For non-disabled students 'Soulim activities are also included in the life record book and have merit. I encouraged participation by saying, 'There are many things I can get, but I felt a lot while training together.'" "At first, we trained separately because it was awkward, and the training time was short at first, but as we learned about each other's characteristics, we were able to train together 'through'." Seeing each other understand each other and change their attitudes together, I thought this might be true integration."
This article was translated by Naver AI translator.