Heat of the fighting spirit made of feet, Kim Hye-sung batting average of 0.158 infield hit → home run → infield hit, when will a general outfield hit be made
Mar 06, 2025
Kim Hye-sung played as a substitute in an away exhibition game against the Los Angeles Angels at Tempidia Blo Stadium in Tempidia, Arizona on the 6th (Korea time) and marked one hit in two at-bats.
Kim Hye-sung played second base in the bottom of the sixth inning with a 5-3 lead and was placed in the ninth batting order. Kim Hye-sung finished the inning with a double play in the sixth inning by entering the base cover to the second base when the opponent Yoan Moncada grounded out to the third base. However, the throw to the first base was slightly skewed to the right, and first baseman Michael Chavis collapsed with the base on, and he caught it and managed to complete a double play.
Kim Hye-sung entered the batter's box for the first time in the attack in the top of the seventh inning. However, he grounded out to the infield. After one out, he pulled his body's fastball well on the fourth pitch in the ball count 2B1S against right-hander Chase Silseth, but first baseman Nolan Shanuel caught it and tossed it to Silseth, who came through the base cover, and was out by a hair's breadth. Silseth's right foot touched slightly before Kim Hye-sung's sprinting left foot.
However, the Dodgers failed to score when Chavis grounded out to second base. Kim Hye-sung caught Moore's ground ball with two outs and a runner on first base in the bottom of the ninth inning and threw it to first base with ease to finish the game by catching the last out count.
It is the first time in four days and three games that Kim Hye-sung hit a single against the San Francisco Giants on the 2nd since his solo home run to the left in the bottom of the 5th inning. His batting average in exhibition games rose slightly from 0.118 to 0.158 (3 hits in 19 at-bats). He had one home run, one RBI, three runs, three walks, eight strikeouts, and an OPS of 0.589.
Kim Hye-sung's hits are all infield hits except for home runs. The hit against the San Diego Padres on the 24th of last month was also an infield hit toward the first baseman. In other words, there is no hit that has spread to the outfield yet.
This article was translated by Naver AI translator.