Oh, you too? I'm going to reduce Taiwan by 2 more seconds! Peachclark Loosest South Korea, What Impact Will It Have?

Mar 12, 2025

Oh, you too? I'm going to reduce Taiwan by 2 more seconds! Peachclark Loosest South Korea, What Impact Will It Have?
The Doosan-Samsung match held at Daegu Lions Park on the 11th. The pitch clock is displayed behind the waiting at-bat. Daegu = Reporter Jeong Jae-geun cjg@sportschosun.com /2025.3.11/

Taiwan, which used to operate pitch clock at the same time as Korea, is also making additional cuts.

According to Taiwanese media reports, including 'ET TODAY' on the 11th, the pitch clock of the Taiwan Professional Baseball (CPBL) will be shortened by two more seconds.

CPBL, which officially introduced pitch clock in the first team last year, has maintained the rule of pitching within 20 seconds when there is no runner and within 25 seconds when there is a runner. However, it was decided to shorten the trial by two seconds from this year's exhibition game.

CPBL decided to shorten the time to 18 seconds when there was no runner and 23 seconds when there was a runner. The goal is to shorten the first team by two seconds starting next year. This year, we decided to only run it in exhibition games and watch the trend.

Oh, you too? I'm going to reduce Taiwan by 2 more seconds! Peachclark Loosest South Korea, What Impact Will It Have?
An exhibition game between SSG Landers and Hanwha Eagles at SSG Landers Field in Incheon on the 10th. The way he is playing with pitch clock applied. Incheon = Reporter Park Jae-man pjm@sportschosun.com /2025.03.10/
CPBL believes that the challenge is to further shorten the pitch clock limit time in its own league, considering that pitch clocks will be introduced in the future international competitions in the Major League style. Taiwan also has many voices concerned about the excessive length of the game, and in order to continue to achieve results in international competitions, it is necessary to emphasize 'Speed' like Major League Baseball.

However, the field complains that CPBL is not actively used by pitchcom yet. There are no regulatory restrictions to allow the free use of pitchcom, but it is taking time for each club to introduce equipment. Since the introduction of equipment was not carried out collectively, among the players "In order to shorten the game time, pitchcoms should be supplied more like in the Major League."There is a saying that "

Oh, you too? I'm going to reduce Taiwan by 2 more seconds! Peachclark Loosest South Korea, What Impact Will It Have?
An exhibition game between SSG Landers and Hanwha Eagles at SSG Landers Field in Incheon on the 10th. In the bottom of the third inning, Park Ki-taek, the center fielder, is applying a pitch clock violation to Hanwha starter Ponce at the top of the SSG with two outs and runners on the first and second bases. Incheon = Reporter Park Jae-man pjm@sportschosun.com /2025.03.10/
The KBO League introduced pitchcom during the introduction of the pitch clock pilot last year. Currently, all clubs are using it without much disruption. With the official introduction of ABS (automatic ball/strike judgment system) last year, pitch clock was only checked by pilot introduction, but it is officially introduced in the first group from this year. Penalties will also be imposed for violations.

However, it is rather loose. Like CPBL, the KBO League has relatively room for 20 seconds when there are no runners and 25 seconds when there are runners. In the field, there is also a consensus that "Enough time to keep".

Major League Baseball is very tight at 15 seconds with runners and 18 seconds with runners. The difference is still large from the KBO League, and if the CPBL is shortened by two more seconds, the KBO League is the loosest.

Oh, you too? I'm going to reduce Taiwan by 2 more seconds! Peachclark Loosest South Korea, What Impact Will It Have?
The KBO League exhibition game between Lotte and KIA at Sajik Baseball Stadium in Busan on the 9th. KIA catcher Han Seung-taek checks the 'Peachcom' earphone. Busan = Song Jeong-heon Reporter's songs@sportschosun.com/2025.03.09/
Like CPBL, there are voices of concern for improving adaptability to international competitions, but the majority of the players' responses so far are "It is not difficult to adapt". Even when it was piloted last year, unnecessary movements were reduced and the need for 'SpeedUp' was reduced on the spot.

In addition, when pitch clocks were not implemented at all in the past, some international competitions were adapted, but even then, they did not feel much difficult except for a few pitchers.

However, as the global baseball trend is 'Speed', the KBO League is also expected to increase its thrills if it further shortens the time of pitch clock, which will be officially introduced in the first division from this year.

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.