Han Ye-seul "♥ 10 years younger husband? "It was as hard as the honeymoon guerrilla training." ('Han Yeseul is')

Jul 02, 2024

 Han Ye-seul '♥ 10 years younger husband? 'It was as hard as the honeymoon guerrilla training.' ('Han Yeseul is')
photo source = 'Youth channel 'Han Yeseul is'

Actor Han Ye-seul delivered her review of her honeymoon with her husband.

On the 2nd, a video titled 「"Han Yeseul is" was posted on the YouTube channel "Somehow Honeymoon | My Very First Honeymoon, and Hopefully the Last".

In the released video, Han Ye-seul "I went to the French Riviera for my honeymoon. I followed the coastline beach in the south of France to the south of Italy."

He then said that he was heading to Nice from Incheon through Paris and "As soon as I arrived in Nice, I drove for two hours and went to Saint-Trope." Han Ye-seul "Starting with Saint-Trope and coming all the way, you'll find Kahnne. But that was when there was a film festival, so I passed it because it was crowded" he said.

In response to her husband's reaction to her honeymoon, Ye-seul said with a smile, `When my husband said 'I'm so happy, baby, but I'm as tired as guerrilla training' I burst out laughing.'

Finally, he also reported a review of the city by boat during his trip. Han Ye-seul said, "I really want to go on a boat tour""There is a location too good for a boat ride, the current, the weather, and the view. There are so many companies that provide such services, and the hotel itself also makes reservations. If you take your time and listen to the explanation here and there and show it there, you may get seasick due to the current, so it's good to take the medicine for motion sickness, he advised subscribers.

Meanwhile, Han Ye-seul, who returned to Korea from her honeymoon, drew attention in May by announcing the news of her marriage to Ryu Sung-jae, who is 10 years her junior. In his personal account, he wrote, "What's important about the date and the season to marry someone you love, but if even these small decisions are exciting and happy, I think that's the taste of life.""I'm so excited and grateful for the days ahead when we will live together as one because it's so delicious to live these days.""
