Gangnam, YouTube channel has been taken away "I just found out, the producer hasn't contacted me"

Aug 06, 2024

Gangnam, YouTube channel has been taken away 'I just found out, the producer hasn't contacted me'

Singer Gangnam's YouTube channel was taken away by his wife Lee Sang-hwa.

I just found out that Gangnam changed like this on the 6th "Neighbor Kang Nami"…The PD's not getting in touch...He expressed his bewilderment with the words ..

The YouTube channel banner released by Gangnam does not show Gangnam anywhere. The profile picture has Lee Sang-hwa's face and contains a placard photo called 'Neighborhood Hero Lee Sang-hwa' instead of 'Neighborhood Friend Kang Nam-i'.

Gangnam announced that it will reveal the face of his wife Lee Sang-hwa if it exceeds 800,000 YouTube subscribers as a pledge. Lee Sang-hwa often appeared on YouTube in Gangnam, but she covered her face.

Recently, the number of subscribers exceeded 800,000 and Lee Sang-hwa made an appearance to fulfill her promise. In response, the production team erased traces of Gangnam from Gangnam's YouTube channel and changed it to Lee Sang-hwa. Gangnam, who belatedly learned this, expressed his embarrassment and made him laugh.

In response, Lee Sang-hwa draws attention by posting a calm comment saying, `Yes, it's me.'

Meanwhile, Lee Sang-hwa and Gangnam got married in 2019.