Satire starring in 'Jeonghee'"I have radio phobia. I wonder if I can communicate the story well with my voice." (Noon's Hope Song)

Aug 07, 2024

Satire starring in 'Jeonghee''I have radio phobia. I wonder if I can communicate the story well with my voice.' (Noon's Hope Song)
Photo="Hopeful Song at Noon" Capture

The satire of a broadcaster was surprised by confessing that he had radio phobia.

On the 7th, satire appeared as a guest on MBC FM4U'I'm Kim Shin-young's Hope Song at Noon."There was a radio phobia." he said. He then questioned whether my story could be conveyed only by his voice," he said, expressing his initial fear of radio broadcasting.

The satire that I was curious about the charm of radio was "Radio people loved broadcasting so much. I've always wondered what the charm is." In response, DJ Kim Shin-young said, `I didn't know it was fun for the first three years. But as time passed, when I felt the sincerity of the listeners and became responsible, I learned the fun of broadcasting," he added of his experience.

Satire also shared his concerns, saying "It's fun for an listener, but I was worried about finding something to say when I had to appear on the show in person." He honestly revealed his difficulties in communicating with fans, adding, `I want to approach them friendly when I meet them, but they think I'm angry because of my shy personality.'