>"Shim Hyung-tak♥' Buy it" >"Losing weight because it doesn't suit the taste of Korean food...Thirteen weeks pregnant, morning sickness continues"Pain"Groom Class"

Aug 08, 2024

'Shim Hyung-tak♥' Buy it' 'Losing weight because it doesn't suit the taste of Korean food...Thirteen weeks pregnant, morning sickness continues'Pain'Groom Class'

'Shim Hyung-tak♥' Buy it' 'Losing weight because it doesn't suit the taste of Korean food...Thirteen weeks pregnant, morning sickness continues'Pain'Groom Class'
Japanese Saya, who married Shim Hyung-tak, expressed the difficulty of living as a pregnant woman in Korea.

On Channel A 'Today's Men's Life-Groom Class', which aired on the 7th, Shim Hyung-tak visited a health center to register as a pregnant woman with Saya.

One day when the summer rain fell coolly, Shim Hyung-tak and Saya left the house. Two people receiving a lot of congratulations for their pregnancy news. Shim Hyung-tak kept him close by Saya's side.

Saya, who is now 13 weeks pregnant, said "I heard that morning sickness gradually ends after 13 weeks," but he continued to have morning sickness. Shim Hyeong-tak often hides his pain due to his personality. If you're sick, you don't say you're sick. I couldn't keep eating, and my anemia got worsebe upset that "

Then "What hurt me this morning was that I had to buy something to look at. He even recently went to the hospital due to a high fever. Saya "The pregnant woman thought it would be okay if she coughed but didn't have a fever" confided. Saya didn't talk to Shim Hyung-tak until his fever rose to 38.9 degrees.

Shim Hyung-tak was even hospitalized due to high fever. I'm really scared. You can tell me if you're sick." Saya confessed, `I'm afraid I'm putting pressure on you.'

After hesitating, Saya said, `I want to eat chocolate whirlwind bread,' and Shim Hyung-tak handed over the bread prepared in advance, `Open it up.' Shim Hyung-tak ran to the cafe right away to buy a drink for Saya who wanted to drink mango juice.

'Shim Hyung-tak♥' Buy it' 'Losing weight because it doesn't suit the taste of Korean food...Thirteen weeks pregnant, morning sickness continues'Pain'Groom Class'
Buy it "I'm avoiding you. I'm sorry." It was because of Japanese culture, which does not like to be troublesome. Lee Seung-cheol said "Don't Koreans enjoy such things. That's why my husbands take care of me, too."

`Someone I met once,' said Shim Hyung-tak and Saya, heading to someone's house. It was a Korean-Japanese couple who greeted me at a bookstore. The couple, who kept in touch with each other through an accidental meeting, met again. Saya's face brightened when she met the children.

The two were very nervous after the birth. Saya wondered, `I heard it felt like a watermelon coming out of my nose.' Shim Hyung-tak and his father left the house with their children so that they could talk to each other.

Saya was worried that "It's going to be over", but I can't eat it these days, so I don't know what I can eat among Korean dishes". The heart of Saya, who is struggling with Korean red pepper powder and spicy taste. Saya confessed, "Sometimes I just look at Japanese delivery apps and watch them."

Japanese food that I miss more because of morning sickness. Say "But don't you feel sorry to say it. I might be able to eat it all even if I say it. I'm not saying it all`"He confessed when Shim Hyung-tak was away.

When asked if she could stand this part of her husband, she should buy "It's hard to snore, and what's worse than snoring is the sound of scratching flesh. Aren't all the terms used in obstetrics and gynecology also Korean. I don't understand. Even the prosecutor doesn't know what the prosecutor is." Shim Hyung-tak vowed "I'll pay more attention in the future."
