Rumors of dating Song Hae-na and Defconn broke out "What's wrong with the family?"

Sep 23, 2024

 Rumors of dating Song Hae-na and Defconn broke out 'What's wrong with the family?'

Model Song Hae-na opened her mouth to rumors of a romantic relationship with rapper Defconn.

On the 22nd, Song Hae-na shared the title of the article "Detectives' Trade Secret"Defconn, reigniting the romance rumor with Song Hae-na?" I think everyone believes it. Don't get me wrong. What's wrong with your family. Please show your love for my chemistry, Lee Kyung from Fconn" he explained.

 Rumors of dating Song Hae-na and Defconn broke out 'What's wrong with the family?'
Song Hae-na and Defconn have appeared together on SBS Plus and ENA 'I'm Solo' since 2017. The two will do everything on E-Channel ' which aired in June A love line was formed through the 'human resources office', drawing attention. Ahn Jin-yong, a reporter from the Ministry of Culture and 500,000 YouTubers, asked 'If the president of Dafcon and Assistant Manager Hannah are connected well, wouldn't it be good to match the atmosphere of the house?' and Defconn asked "It's not that I don't want to do it, I'm doing a program together…"I want to see you for a long time. I don't want to get involved for no reason." Song Hae-na also created a strange atmosphere by saying "My brother is actually someone who keeps reminding me of it."

However, in the recent recording of Channel A 'Detectives' Trade Secrets', reporter Ahn Jin-yong asked the question 'Is Song Hae-na's relationship really a business?' and attention was paid to the answer.