Jo Se-ho, isn't a clumsy GD hood a fashion bar? (1 night and 2 days)

Dec 15, 2024

Jo Se-ho, isn't a clumsy GD hood a fashion bar? (1 night and 2 days)

Jo Se-ho, isn't a clumsy GD hood a fashion bar? (1 night and 2 days)
Jo Se-ho, isn't a clumsy GD hood a fashion bar? (1 night and 2 days)
DinDin pointed out Cho Se-ho's fashion.

On KBS 2TV '1 Night 2 Days Season 4', which aired on the 15th, Kim Jong-min, Moon Se-yoon, Jo Se-ho, Lee Joon, Dindin and Yoo Sun-ho's travelogue in Gyeongsangbuk-do was broadcast.

On this day, the members were divided into Kim Jong-min, Moon Se-yoon, and DinDin's original membership team and new members' teams of Cho Se-ho, Lee Joon and Yoo Sun-ho for the evening luck.

Jo Se-ho appeared in a hood while the original member team practiced the scarecrow water delivery game.

In response, PD Joo Jong-hyun responded to Cho Se-ho's style, "Celeb?"I asked.

Dindin hated "Oh, you copied Ji-yong again" and Moon Se-yoon "Will he like it? Isn't it Pumba?," teasing Jo Se-ho with laughter.

However, Jo Se-ho emphasized "It's just a hood because the hat is wet.' However, he soon made Pumba laugh by playing Pumba.

Meanwhile, KBS2TV '1 Night 2 Days Season 4' airs every Sunday at 6:10 p.m.