Lee Hae-ri X Kang Min-kyung Davichi's long run secret? If you mess with us, you'll die (when you see each other)

Dec 18, 2024

Lee Hae-ri X Kang Min-kyung Davichi's long run secret? If you mess with us, you'll die (when you see each other)

Starting with SBS 'Davichi' in 'Davichi', Lee Hae-ri X Kang Min-kyung warmed up the cold weather by giving off the appearance of a sympathetic duo who became one with music with the owner of the gap.

As a result, the 16th viewer rating of 'Whenever there is a break, ' achieved its highest viewership of 3.3 percent and up to 3.8 percent. In particular, 2049 viewership recorded 1.6%, proving the power of 'whenever there is a chance' by winning the highest ratings as well as the No. 1 Tuesdays and entertainment show. (Based on Nielsen Korea metropolitan area)

SBS 'Whenever I Have a Time' (directed by Choi Bo-pil/writer Chae Jin-ah), which aired on the 17th (Tuesday), is a variety of 'Targeting a Gap' that presents good luck between the brief niche times we face in our daily lives. In the 16th episode, Yoo Jae-seok and Yoo Yeon-seok visited the record shop and tapas bar in Hapjeong area with Lee Hae-ri and Kang Min-kyung, giving them a rewarding laugh with a niche time.

Yoo Jae-seok and Yoo Yeon-seok turn on the talk booster when they meet their close brothers 'Davich'Lee Hae-ri and Kang Min-kyung. Yoo Jae-seok "We met as a duo today. When Yeon-seok and I started the engine, Kang Min-kyung said, "Yeon-seok is so funny these days. The gag poten burst out," he says, expressing his satisfaction with Yoo Jae-seok. At this time, Kang Min-kyung said, "I'm so happy because there are so many cameras."He aimed at each camera, and he laughed by communicating with the camera, saying, "There's no cake here, everyone~."

The first owner of the gap Yoo Jae-seok, Yoo Yeon-seok, Lee Hae-ri, and Kang Min-kyung visited was a person working at a record shop. The owner of the gap surprised everyone by saying that he commutes five hours round trip with just one mind for music. The owner, who said he owns 500 to 600 albums, said "I'm so happy to work. It would be nice to share it with people who like music," he said, expressing his impression by explaining the reason for the application. Yoo Jae-seok "I've never seen someone who loves work this much. He gave a thumbs up, saying, `A match of virtue.' Kang Min-kyung "I wonder if I was like this in high school when I first started music, and I reflect on myself. Did we listen to this much music? "I want to..." he exclaimed, and expressed his affection by giving his owner various nicknames such as Park Byung-byung and Byeong-ho Bo-jorim while he was working as a DJ.

The first game is 'Joint! If you listen to the original sound track and guess the name of the original sound track, you will be successful. When Yoo Jae-seok hesitated from the first try and missed the chance, Kang Min-kyung said, `Why! I was going to do itStarting with a violent protest, "I waited because my brother was muzzling! If you don't know, cover your mouth." He continued to shout, causing Yoo Jae-seok to sweat. When Yoo Jae-seok shouted 'Daniel' after listening to the OST of the drama 'High Kick' through the roof in the 6th attempt, Kang Min-kyung 'Isn't that too much? There is also Lee Soon-jae, but suddenly, he gets emotional. In the end, Yoo Yeon-seok's appearance in the last challenge appeared as a quiz, and he succeeded and created joy. Yoo Jaeseok is "It's done! I struggled for it..." he offered consolation and turned it into a sea of laughter.

Lee Hae-ri X Kang Min-kyung Davichi's long run secret? If you mess with us, you'll die (when you see each other)
He then moved to a restaurant where everyone has memories. When Yoo Yeon-seok said "I'm so nervous today", Yoo Jae-seok admitted "Yeon-seok is being chased by Davichi a lot" and smiled. Yoo Jaeseok says, "They're the ones who get caught, right? It's over~," he said with his tongue sticking out. Lee Hae-ri and Kang Min-kyung gave a twist of laughter by citing the gag code as the secret to their long run. Kang Min-kyung confessed "We seem to have a good sense of humor, so it lasts for a long time" and "There is no one around us who is alienating each other. If you tell us, we'll dieIf you say something weird in front of me!"He made Yoo Jae-seok and Yoo Yeon-seok laugh by sending a vicious warning.

The owner of the second gap met in Tapas Bar, Spain. The couple, who met on a dating app and even got married, said they applied to spend their wedding anniversary in a special way. The second game they challenged was 'Squeak?!?!' and one or more of the four people rotated the coin within 20 seconds and shot it with a fork. In just the third attempt, Lee Hae-ri and Yoo Yeon-seok succeeded in the first and second stages, heating up the atmosphere on the site. However, he even got a chance to try again in the third stage, but unfortunately failed. In response, Lee Hae-ri and Kang Min-kyung added a heartwarming ending by giving a beautiful harmony song as a gift for the couple's wedding anniversary.

After the 16th episode, Davichi is really good at variety shows", "Byeongho-jorim and Park-byeong are so funny", "Today's talk is really distracting", "It seems like an entertainment god came to "When I have time today". Even the bus passengers are funny", "It's legendary today. It's so funny that you're all immersed in it. It's so funny that I'm nervous watching from the corner of the room. It's crazy that you're threatening me with a fork" There was a heated response on the back.

Meanwhile, 2MC Yoo Jae-suk and Yoo Yeon-seok present good luck in the space of time they face each other in their daily lives 'Targeting a niche'Variety'Whenever they have time,' airs every Tuesday at 10:20 p.m. on SBS.
