The instinctive couple's wife of JTBC 'Departure Camp' opened her mouth to the controversy surrounding them.
Kim Bo-hyun, the wife of the instinctive couple, wrote on her account on the 12th, `It reminds me that Korea doesn't always look good, but whenever we see bad things, we catch good things like catching mice, and it seems like a fuss when we have a stomachache and bad things. That's true. It's not all you see."
Kim Bo-hyun became pregnant and married at the age of 18 while dating her husband Kim Eun-seok, who was a church teacher ten years older. They appeared on MBN 'Godding Ampa' to disclose this story, and at that time, there was a great controversy over the glorification of grooming sex crimes against minors.
However, this time, she appeared on 'Departure Camp', shocked her by saying that her husband Kim Eun-seok is not working and only asking for sex, even though she has given birth six times in 12 years and is still pregnant with her seventh child.
In particular, the couple was criticized for ignoring the child who asked for a piece of bulgogi while earning a living with 3 million won in child allowance in front of the children, eating bulgogi only by the couple, and secretly ordering chicken while the children were asleep.
On the 12th, Kim Bo-hyun said, "I don't hate your marital relationship with Kim Eun-seok," and Kim Eun-seok was found to be false. In the last divorce settlement, he said he didn't want to divorce. 'Was the purpose of appearing on the show?' Now I'll prepare to appear in the morning yard', Criticism poured in, such as 'I think I'm in love with the broadcast.'
Above all, netizens pointed out that donations poured out after appearing on 'Godding Umpa' and pointed out that 'Appearance fee was earned'. In addition, they filed complaints and reports on child abuse in the National Newspaper, saying that the appearance they showed to children was child abuse.
Kim Bo-hyun expressed her position on this. It also released a proof shot of feeding the children bulgogi, and many people criticized again because there was only a bowl of bulgogi on the table and there was no kimchi. Then, Kim Bo-hyun appeared with a picture of the child eating food, saying, `It doesn't matter how we raise it. Do I have to go into detail? It doesn't matter. There are parts you miss in your life, and you can make mistakes in your life. I would have done it later if I learned something from getting married or studying something. I don't regret it because this is my choice, and I think it's my first time again."