Dindin, a place where only people in the political and business world go when they were rich in proper certification (Holmes)

Feb 13, 2025

Dindin, a place where only people in the political and business world go when they were rich in proper certification (Holmes)

'Save me! Holmes" showed off Dindin's childhood when he was a gold spoon.

MBC Entertainment Program aired on the 13th 'Save me! Holmes' shows Dindin and Yuk Joong-wan at the headquarters in Dongbu Ichon-dong.

DinDin, a native of Dongbu Ichon-dong, Yongsan-gu, where the first-generation apartment is located, expressed his excitement at the local forestry site. Dindin, referring to the hospital where `I was born here.' In response, the panelists raised Dindin's 'The Golden Shower Theory', saying "They were all born at home at that time". Yuk Jung-wan said "You must have lived the best. No wonder you always wear the maker when it doesn't work out.' Dindin said "I wanted to try on clothes that aren't the maker."

Dindin is "There are three East Ichon-dong captains. The first generation was Haha, the second generation was Jang Won-young, and the third generation was Jang Won-young. I said to HaHa, 'Hey, Wonyoung is Dongbu Ichon-dong' and he said, 'Wonyoung!'That's what it is,' he said.

Dindin, a place where only people in the political and business world go when they were rich in proper certification (Holmes)
Pointing to the apartment where Haha's family lived, Dindin said "When I was young, I ate at Haha's mother's house. When I was at the playground, Haha's mom came and said, 'Haha, do you know? Haha played like this just like you guys. He said nice things. When I got close and went to karaoke, my mother also lent me money," he recalled of his childhood.

Dindin's rich childhood memories continued. Yuk Joong-wan asked "Did you go back and forth to the Han River when you were young?" and Dindin asked "Yes." I went to Cha Bum-kun's soccer class. He bought the house in front of us and said 'Mister' Cha Se-chi and my sister went to the same school. I played with Sechi hyung. (Cha Bum-kun) I'm on my right shoulder and my friend took a picture from my left shoulder. In response, Yuk Joong-wan was surprised by "I knew there was a Cha Bum-keun soccer class, but I thought only people in the political and business world were going."

When asked "What is the pride of Dongbu Ichon-dong?" Dindin confidently said "Jang Won-young".
