"Flower powder bloomed." The fart spraying incident between Sung-hwan and his dog Kkotbun drew laughter.
MBC 'I Live Alone', which aired on the 21st, depicted Sung Kyu-hwan performing a medical examination.
On this day, Koo Sung-hwan "I'm nervous. I'm hungry because I fasted well."," he said, visiting the neighborhood for his first medical check-up in two years.
He `is a bit of a health concern. I used to do it twice a year, but I stopped it at the hospital, so I do it once a year. The blood test is conducted three times a year.' In the meantime, "Health care is performed three weeks before the medical examination. I also have a diet. Fast for 24 hours a day before a medical examination. I don't even drink water for 20 hours, he said. "I'm afraid I'll hear bad things."
After completing the basic questionnaire, I checked my height and weight, and I was 180cm tall and weighed 98kg. Following various checkups such as blood pressure check, gastroscopy was conducted. At that time, Sung-hwan, who drank the foam removal potion, laughed by saying "It's delicious".
Sung Kyu-hwan "I have concerns about my stomach's health. Since I don't eat cleanly, I was nervous and had no choice but to develop anxiety. "I started the test with concern.
At that time, Sung-hwan was worried that "I can't sleep well when I'm under anesthesia", and he thought he had fallen asleep on an actual anesthetic, but Sung-hwan was suddenly full of energy as if he was fighting. The doctor took special measures for safety, and thanks to this, the endoscopy room was calm.
The endoscopy was safely completed, and the doctor sighed deeply and gave a laugh. Sung Kyu-hwan, who moved to the recovery room, slowly regained his mind and said, "My jaw hurts." "Whoa? My name is Marcus" drew laughter.
Interview time with the doctor after changing. Koo Sung-hwan said "I'm worried about my stomach", but the doctor said "My stomach is fine". You should reduce your obesity," he said, bringing laughter.
The meals prepared by Sung-hwan to soothe his hunger for 26 hours when he returned home were pizza and stone pot cheese bibimbap. The dishes filled with a table of spicy rice, salted octopus, and cheese-filled stone pot bibimbap, cheonggukjang, and meat, drew admiration.
Sung-hwan finished a large pizza in three bites and started eating in earnest. Members of the rainbow were then mesmerized by the appearance of Sung Kyu-hwan, who poured a full bowl of well-mixed hot pot bibimbap on a spoon and ate it at once, saying "This is happiness."
After finishing his meal neatly without a grain of rice, Sung-hwan immediately started cleaning up. After cleaning the inside of the gas stove, Sung-hwan immediately started stretching.
Koo Sung-hwan "It's been six months since he started stretching. I waddled because my body was twisted. My pelvis is twisted"When I did the exercise in my own way, I couldn't correct it. My shoulders and hips are throbbing, so I stretch with a massage ball."
At that time, the loud gas filled the house. Sung Won-hwan "The flower boy told you not to fart, right?He said ", but Jeon Hyun-moo said "If you do that, the flower powder will die." The flower powder can't make that sound from her buttocks, so she smiled.
The case was then reconstructed. The farts in question are sprayed, and the flower person who barks at Sung Kyu-hwan after staring at Sung Kyu-hwan. Koo Sung-hwan was seen checking his pants after being surprised after spraying his fart.
But Sung Won-hwan "The flower powder farts so much that I know I made it. The problem is that the earth is broken and the earth is surprised. He said with an unfair expression.
Cocoon said "I can't speak" in response to the farts spraying incident, while Park Na-rae said "Mushroom may have bloomed on the yoga mat."It caused laughter.