500 million doctors a year, 25th Kwang-soo, 4 billion won..Biggest failure (I'm single)

Mar 19, 2025

500 million doctors a year, 25th Kwang-soo, 4 billion won..Biggest failure (I'm single)

'I'm SOLO (I'm solo)'25th Kwang-soo finally releases his true charm' hidden behind his mysterious appearance.

The real dating program 'I'm SOLO' between ENA and SBS Plus, which airs at 10:30 p.m. on the 19th (today), reveals the unexpected charm of the 25th Kwang-soo of 'Extreme Mystery Man', who the production team also burst into laughter.

It doesn't really matter that Kwang-soo " introduced himself earlier in "Self-introduction Time", "I'm not proud of my job." He shocked everyone by revealing that he was the only doctor left in Inje-gun, Gangwon-do. On this day, Kwang-soo starts his first date with a solo girl, and when the other person says, "I think you have a lot of special experience"…"He likes to challenge himself."He confides in his experience.

Then a solo girl "So what was the biggest failure of your life?When asked ," he said "The biggest failure is..."After a brief pause, "I lost 4 billion won." The 3MC Defconn-Lee Kyung-Song Hae-na in the story of '4 billion won's air decomposition'" Yuck!shout " Finally, Defconn says "Isn't that a lie? Isn't it bluffing?", and sends a 'doubtful look'.

500 million doctors a year, 25th Kwang-soo, 4 billion won..Biggest failure (I'm single)
On the other hand, Kwang-soo continues 'Talk on a quiet face and not' and gives off his charm in earnest. While watching Kwang-soo's unpredictable talk, the 3MC bursts out a smile 'Clown Explosion' and Song Hae-na 'That expression is so nice!"I applaud Kwang-soo's talk. As Kwang-soo continued to perform afterwards, Defconn said "A mineral man came out after a long time!," he says, falling in love with the excavation fun. Attention is focusing on what Kwang-soo's endless charm is and who Kwang-soo's first date is.

Meanwhile, 'I'm SOLO', which aired on the 12th (Wednesday), recorded an average viewership of 4.7% (the sum of ENA and SBS Plus based on paid broadcasting households in the metropolitan area), and the highest viewership per minute soared to 5.4%. In addition, it ranked No. 1 in the 「Fundex Chart" (released on March 11) compiled by Good Data Corporation, maintaining its top status for five consecutive weeks.

The first date scene, in which Kwang-soo, who drew attention with his 'annual salary of 500 million won, lost 4 billion won due to his life failure story, will be revealed on the 19th (today) at 10:30 p.m. on ENA and SBS Plus.
