Criminal charges Jongwon Baek deeply reflect on unacceptable wrongdoing in public apology for head down (Roundup)

Mar 14, 2025

Criminal charges Jongwon Baek deeply reflect on unacceptable wrongdoing in public apology for head down  (Roundup)

I'm sorry for the trouble.

Hello. This is Jongwon Baek.

I sincerely apologize for causing concern to many people due to various issues related to Dubon Korea that I represent recently, and with a deep sense of responsibility.

As much as you loved and cared for us, we had to repay you with better appearances and products, but there were many things that did not meet those expectations. In particular, we deeply reflect on the unacceptable mistakes that have occurred in the production and distribution process. It's my fault that I haven't looked carefully at all the issues that have been raised so far.

I humbly accept the reprimand you gave me, and I promise to improve quickly on everything, including legal matters. In addition, as a listed company, we will lead company-wide innovation and growth to meet the expectations of shareholders.

Once again, I deeply apologize to everyone who has continued to show interest and expectations for me and the company.