Good Day cancellation. Because of Kim Soo Hyun? I didn't have a specific reason...Difficult to organize PD Kim Tae-ho's storytelling
Mar 20, 2025
'Good Day' said on the 20th that the sixth episode of 'Good Day', which was scheduled to air on Sunday the 23rd, will take a week off to reorganize the program.
In the original place where 'Good Day' will be organized, 'I Live Alone Special' will come in. Although 'Good Day' did not reveal the specific reason for the cancellation, most netizens say that it may be because of the amount of broadcast by Kim Soo-hyun, a cast member.
Previously broadcast on the 16th, G-Dragon was seen referring to Kim Soo-hyun. In the general meeting scene where all the performers gathered, Kim Soo-hyun sitting in the center was broadcasted.
Recently, Kim Soo-hyun, who is suspected of dating the late Kim Sae-ron since he was a minor, came out as it is. Amid a flurry of complaints from viewers, 'Good Day's side responded "We apologize for the concern."The production team recognizes the seriousness of the controversy over the cast of 'Good Day' and continues its production by looking at the audience's reactions first."
For this reason, 'Good Day's position is that the 5th episode was about 10 minutes shorter than the previous episode and the details were insufficient.
In addition, despite the controversy, it was also problematic that Kim Soo-hyun attended the music recording site of 'Good Day' on the 13th. The production team waited for the official position of Kim Soo-hyun's agency on the controversy at a time when the recording of the song "Good Day" was delayed" and "We had no choice but to proceed with the recording after much consideration because the agency will express its position next week (as of 3/13) and it is difficult to secure the cast schedule after that day."
After careful discussion, the production team took recordings and sketches so that they did not overlap with other performers as much as possible, keeping in mind the deletion of the amount. I sincerely apologize for causing concern to those who love 'Good Day' in this process.
The broadcast of the recording on the 13th also reported that "the individual recording process of the performer on March 13 will not be broadcasted.'
'Good Day' received great attention even before its start in that it is a return to MBC and a G-Dragon-centered entertainment show. On top of that, G-Dragon's 「Best Friend" Jeong Hyeong-don and Defconn joined, and famous stars from various fields have also appeared, maintaining the"non-drama TV topicality" since the first broadcast.
In particular, Kim Soo-hyun accounted for a large proportion of 'Good Day'. In 'Good Day', Kim Soo-hyun, Lee Soo-hyuk, Lim Si-wan, Hwang Kwang-hee, and Jung Hae-in gathered under the concept of 'I'm Solo' and gave viewers a big laugh under the name of '88 Nara'.
However, as the controversy over Kim Soo-hyun's private life broke out, it seems to have caught the ankle of 'Good Day'. Now, with only the fourth inning left and turning the halfway point, Kim Soo-hyun appeared in the fifth inning, raising the wavelength. It remains to be seen how 'Good Day', which has confirmed its cancellation by the sixth inning, will overcome these difficulties in the future.
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In the meantime, "We expect good results in the remaining second half. I hope you look forward to our future developments," he added.