Jenny Reveals First-Time Luxury Office With Garden...You have a great sense
Mar 13, 2025
On the 13th, a video titled Hong Jin-kyung (Jennie's mother's phone call), which was released for the first time in the world by Jenny's office with a garden, was posted on YouTube channel 'Study King Genius Hong Jin-kyung'.
Hong Jin-kyung visited the office after receiving Jenny's invitation. Hong Jin-kyung said "It's so nice to meet the same top stars" and Jenny said "Thank you for coming"
Turns out Hong Jin-kyung is the first guest in Jenny's office. Jenny's office was a luxurious house with a neat white interior and a garden. Hong Jin-kyung admired Jenny's eye, saying, `Sofa is cool.' Jenny revealed, `My mother chose it.'
Hong Jin-kyung felt sorry for "I must have missed you so much, but Jenny was "But I was so happy. I had a lot of fun. I think my experience in New Zealand was important even though I live well as I am now" he said.
During the talk, Jenny's mother called. Hong Jinkyung sent New Zealand at the age of nineDura" and Jenny's mother coolly said "I went to learn English, but is it a big problem to be young?" Hong Jin-kyung said, `You must have been very sad,' but her mother said, `A little. But I didn't cry and stayed there for a month`` said something different from Jenny's memory. Jenny was surprised by this, and her mother said "Jenny's memory. You shouldn't trust well, he said, giving a laugh.