Jenny Reveals First-Time Luxury Office With Garden...You have a great sense

Mar 13, 2025

Jenny Reveals First-Time Luxury Office With Garden...You have a great sense

True genius Jenny unveiled her agency's office for the first time in the world.

On the 13th, a video titled Hong Jin-kyung (Jennie's mother's phone call), which was released for the first time in the world by Jenny's office with a garden, was posted on YouTube channel 'Study King Genius Hong Jin-kyung'.

Hong Jin-kyung visited the office after receiving Jenny's invitation. Hong Jin-kyung said "It's so nice to meet the same top stars" and Jenny said "Thank you for coming"

Turns out Hong Jin-kyung is the first guest in Jenny's office. Jenny's office was a luxurious house with a neat white interior and a garden. Hong Jin-kyung admired Jenny's eye, saying, `Sofa is cool.' Jenny revealed, `My mother chose it.'

Jenny Reveals First-Time Luxury Office With Garden...You have a great sense
Jenny went to New Zealand to study when she was 9 years old. Jenny cried for about two days at first. I went to study alone and lived a homestay. I want my mother to experience school life abroad and she knew that she had to learn English early to become her own. But I cried for two days and called my mom on the third day and told her to stop calling me because it was okay. I've been there for five years like that."

Hong Jin-kyung felt sorry for "I must have missed you so much, but Jenny was "But I was so happy. I had a lot of fun. I think my experience in New Zealand was important even though I live well as I am now" he said.

During the talk, Jenny's mother called. Hong Jinkyung sent New Zealand at the age of nineDura" and Jenny's mother coolly said "I went to learn English, but is it a big problem to be young?" Hong Jin-kyung said, `You must have been very sad,' but her mother said, `A little. But I didn't cry and stayed there for a month`` said something different from Jenny's memory. Jenny was surprised by this, and her mother said "Jenny's memory. You shouldn't trust well, he said, giving a laugh.