Kim Sae-ron's Family Considers Legal Action Against Kim Soo-hyun
Mar 17, 2025
Bu-seok, a lawyer at the law firm Wealth, the legal representative of the bereaved family, held a press conference at 2 p.m. on the 17th before submitting a complaint against YouTuber A for defamation by false facts to the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency and said, `We are considering legal action against Kim Soo-hyun.'
In particular, Kim Sae-ron even sent a text message to Kim Soo-hyun after the first proof of contents to pay back the 700 million won quoted from the bereaved family. However, in response, Kim Soo-hyun sent out a second proof of contents." He said, "'If you don't send a proof of content, it's inevitable because it constitutes a breach of trust,' but in fact, it meant to be reimbursed by setting a deadline. It also included a threatening statement not to contact the agency's actors directly and to take legal action for posting photos" he explained.
Kwon Young-chan, director of the Korea Celebrity Suicide Prevention Association, said, `Recently, while arranging the belongings of the deceased, I found the second proof of contents sent by the gold medalist"If you post such a photo on social media (social network service) or contact anyone in the agency in the future, there is a content that the 'Queen of Tears' will compensate you if you lose money from such a photo," he claimed." Kwon sent the second proof of content on March 25, 2024. What does posting SNS or threatening things have to do with tvN 'Queen of Tears'. Why should I compensate for that.. How worried must the young friend have been?"
Lawyer Boo said "In the end, we did not receive any contact from Kim Soo-hyun after the second proof of contents, and we could no longer contact the actors." I dare not guess how much mental suffering the deceased must have suffered as a result"I don't understand that no one heard from Kim Sae-ron at the time, but now I wait for the bereaved family's position. As a result, we are considering legal action against Kim Soo-hyun in the future."
Earlier, based on a text left by Kim Sae-ron, the bereaved family dated Kim Soo-hyun for six years from Kim Sae-ron's underage days. Kim Soo-hyun is demanding to acknowledge this and make an official apology. In addition, the bereaved family said they wanted to restore the deceased's honor, and warned of a complaint, claiming that the deceased made several extreme choices after watching YouTuber A's video.
Meanwhile, Kim Soo-hyun, a gold medalist at her agency, only belatedly admitted that Kim Sa-ron dated after she became an adult. The agency said, `Kim Saeron never dated when he was a minor, and he dated from the summer of 2019 to the fall of 2020 after he became an adult.' He also explained that sending the proof of content to the deceased was not a pressure for reimbursement, but a perfunctory procedure because he feared that the company's executives would be guilty of breach of duty. In response, the bereaved family argues that there was no explanation from the gold medalist in this regard, and that the mental pressure was considerable because they avoided contact with Kim Sae-ron.