NYIMC directly refutes allegations of fraud...a charge of false information

Mar 10, 2025

NYIMC directly refutes allegations of fraud...a charge of false information
The New York International Music Competition (NYIMC), which hosted the competition, recently refuted allegations of fraud raised by some. The photo shows the poster of the competition held by NYIMC last year. Photo courtesy =NYIMC

The New York International Music Competition (NYIMC) recently refuted the suspicion of fraud raised by some.

NYIMC responded on Wednesday to the allegation that `a music competition is conducted by a private business entity rather than an association,' adding that `it is not true at all.' The NYIMC is an internationally recognized music competition that has been successfully run for many years and has prioritized providing fair opportunities to participants" he said.

Recently, an article has been reported claiming NYIMC and organizers' behavior as a so-called 'fraud'. The media is a fairper company that hosted NYIMC as only a private operator, and there is an atmosphere of doubt about the public confidence of the competition.

However, NYIMC corrected "The fact that a particular company is a paper company is also clearly false, and those companies are actually registered businesses that are operating."

He also explained that the media, which pointed out that the CEO of Company A was recruiting new contest applicants to Company B, was "misleading content. Each of the three organizations, NYIMC, Company A, and Company B, operates independently and has separate legal and administrative structures".

Company A signed a contract with a NYIMC student to play at Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Hall in New York, USA, but the student responded to the claim that the performance was not completed because he did not secure an instrument until the day of the performance, saying, "It is also not true."

NYIMC said "The contract signed with the performer was limited to the performance contract, and no contract related to the instrument rental existed"The instrument was provided normally on the day of the performance, and it was confirmed that the performer refused to play for this reason."

"Currently, the performer has filed a civil lawsuit in this regard, and legal proceedings are in progress," he added.

NYIMC has also taken legal action against these allegations of fraud. The person who raised the suspicion was sued for defamation by disclosing false facts under the Information and Communication Network Act and obstruction of business under the criminal law. The police are investigating the relevant facts.

"NYIMC and other related organizations suffer substantial obstruction of business along with defamation."The NYIMC's position is that "the spread of misinformation caused confusion among contestants and applicants and negatively affected corporate trust.""

NYIMC said "We are committed to providing global music education and performance opportunities and will respond strongly to this false report to protect the trust of the international competition."

The following is the full text of NYIMC's position.

Official refutation and legal response to false reports of Internet newspaper articles related to the New York International Music Competition (NYIMC)

An article about the New York International Music Competition (NYIMC), which was recently reported in an Internet newspaper, contains content that is not true, revealing an official rebuttal and legal response to it.

The reported article raised suspicions surrounding NYIMC and related organizations, but the content is not true at all.

NYIMC is an internationally recognized music competition that has been successfully operated for many years and is prioritizing providing fair opportunities to participants. In addition, the fact that a specific company is a paper company in the article is also a clear false fact, and the companies are officially registered businesses that are actually operating.

In addition, the article included misleading information about the relationship between NYIMC, Jam Generation, and Space in Art Korea, but the three organizations operate independently and have separate legal and administrative structures.

NYIMC is in charge of international competition operation, and Jam Generation and Space in Art Korea operate their own businesses as independent corporations.

The performer claimed in the article could not proceed with the performance because he could not secure the instrument until the day of the performance" is also not true. The contract concluded with the performer was limited to the performance contract, and there was no contract related to musical instrument rental. In addition, the instrument was provided normally on the day of the performance, and it was confirmed that the performer refused to play for this reason.

Currently, the performer has filed a civil lawsuit in this regard, and legal proceedings are underway. Nevertheless, it is a clear dissemination of false information that has not been confirmed and will be held legally responsible for it.

As a result of the report, the NYIMC and other related organizations are suffering from defamation and substantial obstruction of work. In particular, the spread of misinformation caused confusion among contestants and applicants, and negatively affected corporate trust.

In response, the relevant person sued the author and the person concerned for defamation by disclosing false facts under the Information and Communication Network Act and obstruction of business under the Criminal Act, and the investigation is currently underway.

Accordingly, it officially requests the immediate deletion of articles and the publication of corrective reports for false reports, and demands a formal apology for the damage caused by the reports. In addition, we urge thorough fact-finding to prevent similar reports from being repeated in the future.

NYIMC is committed to providing global music education and performance opportunities and will respond strongly to this false report to protect the trust of the international competition.
