Park Han-byul Joins Donation Efforts for Forest Fire Relief

Mar 28, 2025

Park Han-byul Joins Donation Efforts for Forest Fire Relief
박한별. Sports Chosun DB

Actor Park Han-byul participated in the donation procession to provide emergency support for large forest fire damage.

Park Han-byul recently added a warm heart to the fundraising campaign that is being conducted in 『Kakao-like Value』. It is spreading its good influence by posting messages encouraging more people to donate as well as participate in fundraising.

Anyone can easily participate in emergency fundraising for forest fire damage such as Kakao, where Park Han-byeol participated. The donation will be used through Good Neighbors International for neighbors who have lost their homes to forest fires.

Park Han-byeol said "I think many people are worried because the damage from the forest fires is getting bigger. It's a small amount of care, but I hope it will be a great help to those affected. "I sincerely hope that the damage will not spread further, and I hope that we can join forces to deliver a helping hand." he said.

Earlier, Park Han-byul delivered donations for the treatment of pediatric and adolescent patients at Yonsei University Medical Center. In the meantime, he has been steadily participating in donations and taking the lead in spreading good influence.