Shim Eun-woo Loses His Job Due to Stigma of School Crack...The reality feels like hell

Mar 22, 2025

Shim Eun-woo Loses His Job Due to Stigma of School Crack...The reality feels like hell

Actor Shim Eun-woo complained of unfairness regarding school violence.

Shim Eun-woo said on the 21st, "'It's the 5th year since I've been dealing with the issue of school violence from 2021 to this year.'"I want to get out of the unfair accusation that I'm really a school violence perpetrator now," he wrote in a lengthy post.

Shim Eun-woo said, `I want to end the tough fight with Mr. A, who has been harassing me under the false accusation of being a school violence perpetrator, hiding behind the Internet and my family and never meeting or showing my face.'

Shim Eun-woo, who made his face known in the JTBC drama The World of Couples in 2020, suspended his activities in March of the following year due to allegations of school violence. Twenty days after raising suspicions of school violence, he seemed to admit it by posting an apology on Instagram, but two years later, in 2023, he reversed his position and sued the author A for defamation. Mr. A was cleared of charges in May last year due to insufficient evidence. In response, Shim Eun-woo reiterated that there was no school violence, saying, "(The acquittal) does not mean that A's allegations are true."

In particular, I did not want to apologize for the reason why I posted an apology even though I did not commit a school violence, but at the time, the only options I was given were to voluntarily drop out of the drama or post an open apology as requested by A"We reviewed the legal response, but we had no choice but to give up the hard-line response due to the drama team's dissuasion." "The cost of re-shooting, the damage to the entire drama team, and the resulting enormous penalty compensation were also difficult to handle if they voluntarily got off the car. "

Shim Eun-woo said "A, who said he would make an open apology without any problems in the production and airing of the drama, suddenly changed his attitude and did not delete the article saying there was no true apology. As the controversy reignited, it has been posted as it is now." Then "Since then, unfounded agitation and numerous malicious comments have poured out, and I have to endure all these attacks alone helplessly."It came to this point with school days made only by A's unilateral argument without any substance, and eventually, it was in a situation where nothing could be done."

Shim Eun-woo confessed that he not only dropped out of all schedules due to this, but also had shortness of breath, chest pain, and tick symptoms. He said "This symptom persists to this day and continues to be treated"The reality felt like hell with the malicious comments that I couldn't put into my mouth."

Earlier, Shim Eun-woo was embroiled in a suspicion of school violence in 2021.

In response, Shim Eun-woo posted an apology saying, `I apologize to my friend who was hurt by his immature attitude in the past.'

Last year, however, Shim Eun-woo apologized for fear of constant pressure and had been filming a drama for six months at the time, but the apology was recognized as a school violence, he said. `It is so upsetting and difficult that the second Yeon-jin and Yeon-jin are now branded as the same person because they were mistaken for being the perpetrators of the school violence during their school days.'

Afterwards, Shim Eun-woo filed a criminal complaint against A on charges of defamation of false facts, but the police found A not guilty on the grounds of insufficient evidence. As a result, Shim Eun-woo again complained of unfairness and continues the battle of truth.