Why don't you have money when you're working? Yoon Sung-bin ends up deleting the video due to Kangaroo Tribe's sniping remarks

Mar 19, 2025

Why don't you have money when you're working? Yoon Sung-bin ends up deleting the video due to Kangaroo Tribe's sniping remarks

Yoon Sung-bin, a former skeleton national team member, is being criticized for his remarks aimed at 'Kangaroo Tribe'.

Recently, a video titled 「From Yoon Sung-bin's management diet to romantic views」 was posted on Yoon Sung-bin's YouTube channel.

Yoon Sungbin went to eat duck soup with the staff. A staff member said he was 'Kangaroo Tribe' and 'There are a lot of kangaroos even in their 30s these days.' Kangaroo refers to young people living with their parents because they cannot afford it even though they are adults.

When a staff member said he couldn't become independent because he didn't have money, Yoon Sung-bin said "It's because he doesn't have money. Is it because I just wrote it. Why don't you have money when you're working. Is it because the prices are high?" he asked, expressing an incomprehension.

The staff said "If you pay rent and livelihood expenses, there is nothing left", but Yoon Sung-bin said "You can save living expenses". The staff was shocked by Yoon's remarks, and added the caption 'Among controversial remarks'

Why don't you have money when you're working? Yoon Sung-bin ends up deleting the video due to Kangaroo Tribe's sniping remarks
The staff member "If you receive the minimum hourly wage, your monthly salary is 2.3 million won, but you will receive 1 million won for maintenance and monthly rent." Then, you have to live on 1.3 million won, but you really don't have much left when you pay for food and transportation," he explained in detail, and only then Yoon Sung-bin admitted "When you're new, go into your parents' house and live."

After the video was released, it was pointed out that Yoon Sung-bin's remarks were rash. Netizens point out that Yoon Seong-bin lacks a sense of reality and say, "It is arrogant to say something without knowing the reality.", "There is a life of winning Olympic gold medals and receiving pensions for life, but there is also a life of an ordinary office worker." showed a reaction of the back. In the end, Yoon Sung-bin deleted the video as if conscious of the controversy.
