Yoon Jin-yi reveals the birth process of her second daughter for the first time ♥ When Kim Tae-geun gave birth to a son, criticism continued (Dongsang Imong)

Mar 18, 2025

Yoon Jin-yi reveals the birth process of her second daughter for the first time ♥ When Kim Tae-geun gave birth to a son, criticism continued (Dongsang Imong)

Yoon Jin-yi reveals the birth process of her second daughter for the first time ♥ When Kim Tae-geun gave birth to a son, criticism continued (Dongsang Imong)
Yoon Jin and Kim Tae-geun revealed their second daughter's birth period vividly.

In SBS entertainment show `Dongsang Imong Season 2 - You Are My Destiny' (hereinafter Dongsang Imong 2), which aired on the 17th, the second birth period of actor Yoon Jin ♥ Kim Tae-geun and his wife was revealed for the first time.

Yoon Jin-i's father-in-law, who served as the head of a media company with 46 years of experience, was the original Kingsman who was familiar with suits, but it melted down in front of his granddaughter. Yunjin and Kim Tae-geun, who are watching the apartment show, burst into laughter next to them.

Yunjin and Kim Tae-geun, who announced the second news of their 15th week of pregnancy, were about to give birth, which they had been longing for for for 10 months. Yoon Jin-yi, who identified her second child as a princess when she was in Zander-riville, was impressed by the fact that she was fully pregnant in the 38th week.

Jay grew up so much that Kkomul, who was eating baby food, was now proud to eat alone. Kim Sook praised Jay's visual, saying, `It looks like a child model.' The parents-in-law decided to take care of the child during Yoon-jin's surgery. In the 24th month, I already read the numbers and made my grandfather happy.

Originally, Jay's room was transformed into a second room with newborn supplies. Two? The name is Jenny. My mother-in-law named "So well. Yunjin made it up, right?" he said. Everyone liked Jenny's name, but Kim Tae-geun said, `I like it, too, but I really wonder if I should choose Jenny. Chinese characters are difficult"I rebelled.

Yoon Jin-yi reveals the birth process of her second daughter for the first time ♥ When Kim Tae-geun gave birth to a son, criticism continued (Dongsang Imong)
Yunjin asked "Do I have to do Chinese?" and his father-in-law also agreed "These days, but Kim Tae-geun did not like "Is it okay to go like this?" In response, the mother said "Why are you talking about that now when the mother is going to give birth to a baby today. Isn't maternal stability more important?" he sided with his daughter-in-law.

An hour and a half before giving birth, Yoon Jin and his wife quickly prepared to go to the hospital as it was their second time. Yoon Jin-yi stared at her eldest daughter Jay until just before departure, and hugged her and gave her a loving look. Mother and daughter are the first to be separated for about a month. Yunjin barely moved her steps that did not fall.

Yunjin said "I was watching Jay, and I thought I was going to cry too much earlier. Originally, it was fine. 'I said, 'I'm going to give birth quickly' and Jay said hello, so I got emotional. My father-in-law said "When I said goodbye to Jay earlier, he seemed to understand and know everything. He said, "He's like an adult, not a clang," and Yunjin blushed, saying, "That's my personality." Lee Ji-hye also knows how she feels about leaving her first child. It reminds me of the old days."

Yoon Jin-yi reveals the birth process of her second daughter for the first time ♥ When Kim Tae-geun gave birth to a son, criticism continued (Dongsang Imong)
At that time, my mother called me. My mother said "Don't be too scared, cheer up and do well." The mother was also on the way up by train when her daughter gave birth. Yoon-jin was brave, but her mother was "I'm more worried about you than about the baby. I should give birth well and rest well..." he worried. Yunjin confessed her feelings, saying, `It wasn't that scary, but when I went to the hospital, it's a little bit like that.'

Yunjin, who prepared for the second child in the room where she met her first child, had her last ultrasound before the royal surgery. Jenny, who is lying upside down in her mother's stomach. Yunjin was worried, saying "It's not turned yet."

The doctor said "In the case of a baby, the legs come out first, so the surgery may take some time" he said. First, a situation different from that of Jay. The doctor explained "That doesn't mean the mother is having more difficulty or the uterus is torn."

With childbirth just around the corner, husband Kim Tae-geun protected his wife next to him. Kim Tae-geun saw off in a bright manner next to his wife Yoon Jin, who wears a hat and mask as a final preparation.

Yoon Jin-yi reveals the birth process of her second daughter for the first time ♥ When Kim Tae-geun gave birth to a son, criticism continued (Dongsang Imong)
Kim Tae-geun, who was nervous, was nervous about the child's crying. First meeting with Jenny I missed so much. Kim Tae-geun met his second child while cutting the umbilical cord. Lee Ji-hye was thrilled, saying, `Words cannot explain how she felt at that time.'

Kim Tae-geun immediately approached his wife Yoon-jin and said, "Good job." and wept. Jenny, who was born healthy at 3.1kg. He weighed the same weight as his first son Jay. Kim Tae-geun held Jenny in his arms dearly and couldn't take his eyes off her. As soon as she was born, her second daughter Jenny, who resembles her father, was completed as a three-year-old bungeo-ppang girl.

Kim Tae-geun soon raised questions over the phone with a mysterious woman in the hospital room where his wife will come. I was looking for the second Jenny's name, Chinese characters.

Kim Tae-geun said "I'm so happy to have two daughters" but the naming person "But I might have another child. Those who are blessed with children have developed while giving birth to children."

Kim Tae-geun took care of his wife skillfully as an experienced worker who came to the hospital room after giving birth?He uttered the absurd remark ". He then said "Don't you want to have a son when you see your daughter?" and Lee Ji-hye said "I haven't even healed yet."
