Yoon Jin's goal is to lose 63kg → 60kg and 50kg before and after giving birth (real Yoon Jin)

Mar 13, 2025

Yoon Jin's goal is to lose 63kg → 60kg and 50kg before and after giving birth (real Yoon Jin)

"I'll try to make up to 53kg at the cook."

On the 11th, Yunjin released a Vlog video after giving birth to her second child on her YouTube channel 'Real Yunjin'.

In the video, Yunjin "Jay's younger brother Jenny was born at 10:47 a.m. today. It's so nice. In the first time, I was confused whether I had a baby or if that baby was my baby, but in the second time, I knew all those things, so it was so pretty."

Yoon Jin's goal is to lose 63kg → 60kg and 50kg before and after giving birth (real Yoon Jin)
He then said "I would have been in big trouble if I hadn't given birth to my second child. It's been about 7 hours since the cesarean section, but my face and hands are very swollen. Maybe it's because I got painkillers, but I'm not that sick yet."

Yunjin also gained up to 63kg (just before giving birth). He weighs 59.6 kilograms after giving birth. I lost just as much as my baby's weight. "I'm frustrated. It's still 60kg. I'm not going to go on a diet here and I have to focus on recovering, so I won't lose weight. I'm going to make it up to 53kg in the cookhouse"I vowed.

When the husband asks "Is it possible"I think it is possible. I think it's possible up to 53kg in the cookhouse. But the goal is 50kg. He also replied, "Lose 10kg."
