Muscle melting due to excessive exercise 'Rhabdomyolysis'Doubtful when urinating cola

Jul 01, 2024

Muscle melting due to excessive exercise 'Rhabdomyolysis'Doubtful when urinating cola
data photo source=Pixabay

Recently, an army trainee collapsed during military training and was rushed to a private hospital, but he died in two days. The trainee is known to have received military training such as training grounds, push-ups, and first-come, first-served running in a complete military condition. At that time, the hospital diagnosed rhabdomyolysis due to excessive body temperature rise and muscle damage caused by excessive exercise. In the end, the cause of death of the trainee was heatstroke, but rhabdomyolysis, whose name was unfamiliar for a while, became an opportunity to attract attention.

Rhabdomyolysis (橫紋筋融解症) is a disease in which muscle cells are destroyed or necrotic as a result of sudden and intense physical activity, causing insufficient energy and oxygen to the muscles (rhabdomyolysis). Rhabdomyo (橫紋筋) is a general muscle, such as skeletal muscle of the arm or leg, meaning transverse muscle. When rhabdomyolysis occurs due to the destruction of the rhabdomyolysis, myoglobin, protein, creatin kinase, and electrolytes in muscle cells flow into the bloodstream, and substances in muscle cells into the bloodstream destroy the kidney (renal) tubules.

Professor Yum Sang-hoon of the Department of Nephrology at the Catholic University of Korea's Incheon St. Mary's Hospital said, `Sudden and intense physical activity destroys muscles, and the destroyed muscle cells flow back into the bloodstream and reduce kidney function"This can lead to severe muscle pain, hematuria, and acute renal failure, which can lead to rhabdomyolysis visiting the emergency room," he warned.

▶ Suspect if sudden muscle pain or cola urine occurs after physical activity

Rhabdomyolysis can occur in everyone, but it can occur well if you don't exercise well and then continue high-intensity exercise or if you continue your activities without sufficient hydration in hot weather. In particular, it is highly likely to cause rhabdomyolysis if you do repetitive exercises for a long time with low weights such as spinning and crossfit, or if you repeat high-weight muscle exercises in a short period of time. It is also known that the number of patients increases in the summer when the weather gets hot.

The main symptoms are sudden muscle pain in areas with intense physical activity, and dark red (cola) urine. In severe cases, systemic symptoms such as fever, vomiting, general weakness, and swelling may be accompanied, or acute renal failure may occur due to sudden deterioration of kidney function.

Professor Yum Sang-hoon explained, `The kidney, called a water purifier in the body, is responsible for treating waste caused by our body's metabolic processes or ingestion of food, regulating water content and electrolytes in the body, and releasing various hormonesIf you experience sudden muscle pain or cola-colored urine after physical activity, you should visit a hospital for an accurate diagnosis as soon as possible," he said.

▶ If acute renal failure progresses, dialysis treatment may be required

Treatment basically stops high-intensity physical activity, which is the cause of the disease, and combines absolute bed rest and fluid treatment. In the early stages, just discharging muscle necrotic substances into the urine through sufficient fluid treatment and hydration can be sufficient. However, although it is rare to progress to acute renal failure, dialysis treatment may be required. However, unlike end-stage renal failure, which requires lifelong dialysis treatment, most of them recover their kidney function and can stop dialysis.

In order to prevent rhabdomyolysis, it is important to do an appropriate amount of physical activity that suits you. Avoid physical activity in places where temperatures and humidity are too high. Drink plenty of fluids after physical activity. Avoid situations such as extreme exercise that puts strain on muscles, floating posture where muscles are tense for a long time, and long-term muscle pressure. In addition, if severe muscle pain, fever, general weakness, or changes in urine color appear after extreme exercise or activity, visit a hospital immediately for examination.

Professor Yum Sang-hoon said "Rhabdomyolysis should be careful as it can lead to serious complications such as acute renal failure even in young people."When exercising, it is better to find an appropriate exercise suitable for your body condition and gradually increase the exercise amount rather than overstretching from the beginning" he advised.

Muscle melting due to excessive exercise 'Rhabdomyolysis'Doubtful when urinating cola
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This article was translated by Naver AI translator.