Time you should never brush your teeth, why?

Sep 12, 2024

Time you should never brush your teeth, why?
data photo source=Pixabay

It was argued that brushing your teeth immediately after eating and vomiting should be avoided.

American dentist Dr. Margaret Feldborg explained in a TikTok video why you should avoid brushing your teeth after meals and after vomiting.

First of all, the mouth is acidic after eating, and brushing your teeth immediately leads to dehydrochlorination and acid erosion, she warned.

Acidic erosion occurs when the acid in the food eaten or drank eats away at the enamel, the protective coating on the teeth.

If enamel is worn out, it can become sensitive, such as toothache or chilling symptoms.

Accordingly, it is recommended that brushing your teeth after eating is appropriate after about 30 minutes.

The same is true even after throwing up food.

She says "The first thing you want to do after vomiting is to brush your teeth to remove the unique sour and bitter taste from your mouth, but you cannot brush your teeth properly immediately after vomiting, and you should avoid it because your mouth is acidified by the stomach acid that just came up."," he stressed.

This is the same reason why you should not brush your teeth immediately after eating. At this time, it is also better to brush your teeth at least 30 minutes after vomiting.

If you vomit, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with water first.

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.