I thought sleeping at night was shoulder pain and frozen shoulders. 'Lithiation tendonitis'

Oct 31, 2024

I thought sleeping at night was shoulder pain and frozen shoulders. 'Lithiation tendonitis'
data photo source=Pixabay

If you suddenly have shoulder pain, you often think it's frozen shoulder or muscle pain. This is especially true for middle-aged people after their 50s. However, the shoulders, which are more frequently used than other joints and have a large range of motion, develop a variety of diseases other than frozen shoulders. Calcified tendonitis, which is known to have extreme pain, is a disease that causes severe pain and discomfort in movement as calcium deposits are deposited in tendon tissue and then melted.

Calcified tendinitis can appear in any tendon in our body, but it mostly occurs in the shoulder joint.

According to the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, there were 169,000 patients with calcified tendinitis on the shoulder last year. It usually occurs in people aged 40 to 69, and there are more female patients than men. After the 70s, the incidence of calcified tendinitis decreases.

Lime grows slightly over several months to years, and although it varies in size, it is usually about the size of a bean. The main symptom of calcified tendinitis is excruciating pain and often occurs suddenly. Pain intensifies at night, and stabbing sharp pain occurs.

Pain occurs and disappears repeatedly, reducing the range of moving the arms forward, sideways and backward. Pain in the front of the shoulder joint may go down the arm or extend to the neck. In particular, pain occurs even while still, and it is difficult to move alone when the pain is severe. Severe pain may occur even when moved by another person and may be accompanied by a slight feeling of heat.

In the acute phase, many patients visit the emergency room due to extreme pain equivalent to fractures. If the pain is severe, it is often difficult to lie down on the side of the pain and can't sleep. When the shoulder area is X-rayed, white calcified tissue is visible.

To treat calcified tendinitis, physical therapy and drug therapy are performed first, and if the lime size is not large and simple inflammation occurs, it responds well to conservative treatment. However, if the pain is extreme and is not effective in conservative treatment, steroid injection and extracorporeal shock waves can be performed, and if the pain is not controlled and frequently recurs, surgical treatment using arthroscopy can also be performed.

Hong Kyung-ho, head of the Sangji Center at Seran Hospital, explained, "Lithiation tend to cause sudden pain and increase pain at night, so many patients come to the hospital in a hurry holding their shoulders." "Often, they complain that it is difficult to move their arms because of sudden shoulder pain, and it is difficult to get dressed and take them off."

Hong Kyung-ho, Director of the Sangji Center, said, "Lithiation tendonitis is likely to have progressed before the time when the pain started, and painkillers alone may make it difficult to control the pain." "Since not all of the lime is visible on the X-rays, the exact size of the lime should be determined through ultrasound as necessary. If you have undergone arthroscopic surgery, you need to observe the progress of physical therapy and rehabilitation treatment because the tendon is weak where the lime escaped after surgery." he advised.

I thought sleeping at night was shoulder pain and frozen shoulders. 'Lithiation tendonitis'
Hong Kyung-ho, head of the upper limb center under medical treatment

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.