"Artificial intelligence safe phone, superior to humans."

Nov 12, 2024

Although a secure call to check the patient's complications and anxiety after a prostate biopsy based on artificial intelligence does not completely replace a person, it has been found that there are some advantages.

Professor of urology at Soonchunhyang University Seoul Hospital in Jaeheon Kim, Professor Jeong Jae-hoon of Department of Preventive Medicine at Korea University, and SK Telecom's joint research team randomly divided 42 patients who visited the hospital for prostate biopsy from October 2022 to December 2023.

The satisfaction level was compared by dividing the safe calls on the day after the biopsy into an artificial intelligence-based group, a person-to-person group, and a group that did not make a safe call at all.

The patient's satisfaction was measured by the Likert scale, and the satisfaction with managing side effects was measured by the Likert scale, the Visualalogue scale (VAS), and the State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI).

As a result of the measurement, in the comparison of AI and human safe calls, human satisfaction was significantly higher, and the satisfaction measured by the visual pain scale was significantly higher than that of AI and human calls.

There was no difference between the three groups in the degree of anxiety measured by the state anxiety scale, but the degree of anxiety measured by the visual pain scale was significantly lower than that of the other two groups in the case of calling with artificial intelligence.

Professor Jaeheon Kim explained, "The AI-based safe calls that check patients' complications and anxiety after biopsy are not completely replaced by humans, but they are also superior in some cases. It is necessary to verify the non-inferiority of AI-based safe calls compared to those that humans do and superiority over those that do not do at all through larger research in the future."

Professor Jeong Jae-hoon "This study confirmed the efficiency of continuous and cost-effective interventions in suspected cancer patients who need long-term follow-up and management, and confirmed the sustainability through technological advances in situations where the sustainability of health insurance finances is threatened.", he explained.

This is the first study jointly published by Soonchunhyang University Seoul Hospital and SK Telecom since signing the MOU in 2022, and the thesis will be published in the top journal in the field of men's science, 'The World Journal of Men's Health'.

'Artificial intelligence safe phone, superior to humans.'
Professors Kim Jaeheon Kim (left) and Jung Jae-hoon

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.