Chow Yun-fat, who dismissed the "doubt of cancer" question, "Isn't it a thigh or a tumor?"

Nov 15, 2024

Chow Yun-fat, who dismissed the 'doubt of cancer' question, 'Isn't it a thigh or a tumor?'
Choo Yun-fat (left) and his wife Jasmine Tan at an event in Hong Kong. The picture on the right shows a lump on the thigh captured by fans in May. Photo Source = Instagram, Xiao Hongshu

Hong Kong actor Joo Yoon-bal (69) dismissed the suspicion of fighting cancer and said there was no health problem.

Earlier in May, a photo of Joo Yun-fat with a lump the size of a ping pong ball on his thighs and arms was released.

In response, fans expressed concern that it could be a tumor.

According to foreign entertainment media such as The Star, Zhu Yun-fat explained at a recent luxury brand event that `or it's just subcutaneous fat and it doesn't pose a major threat to health.'

He said the lump disappeared after receiving a massage and treatment, and `there is no discomfort or pain.'

He shared his passion for running and said he runs 10km every day.

Chow Yun-fat, who started jogging eight years ago, once said in an interview that running improved his stamina, taught him patience, and introduced him to new friends.

He is often seen jogging in real life and is sometimes said to take selfies with fans.

He said he will take part in a marathon sprint next month and plans to take part in a half marathon next year.

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.