Professor Lee Sang-hyun of Hallym University's Gangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Award for Video Exhibition at the International Conference of the Korean Orthopaedic Surgery Association

Nov 05, 2024

Professor Lee Sang-hyun's team (Professor Kim Jeong-yeon and Cho Young-tak of orthopedic surgery) at Hallym University Gangnam Sacred Heart Hospital won the Video Exhibition Encouragement Award at the 68th International Conference of the Korean Orthopedic Society held at the Grand Hotel Seoul Convention Center in Switzerland from October 17 to 19.

At this conference, Professor Lee Sang-hyun's team was honored by introducing the Arthroscopy-Assisted Superior Capsule Reconstruction with Lower Trapezius Tendon Transfer for Massively Irrepellent Posterosperior Rotator Cuff Tear'.

The rotator cuff, which wraps around the shoulder joint and moves the shoulder, can rupture if overused or regressed as you get older. At this time, the treatment varies depending on the degree of rupture, but if it is completely ruptured, surgical treatment is required. If the rotator cuff is completely ruptured and suture is impossible, upper joint cyst reconstruction and lower mitral muscle tendon transfer are considered effective treatments.

Upper arthroblast reconstruction is a high-level operation that anatomically reconstructs the upper arthroblast using tissues such as homogeneous dermis to restore joint stability from non-sealable rotator cuff rupture. The lower mitral muscle tendon transfer is also a surgery to restore the function of the rotator cuff that cannot be restored by implanting the lower mitral muscle behind the back. The two surgeries, which are performed by arthroscopy, have the advantage of relatively less bleeding and faster recovery by minimizing the incision. In addition, it has recently attracted attention in that it can preserve its joint function and use the shoulder without inserting an artificial joint.

In the presentation, Professor Lee Sang-hyun reported an arthroscopic technique that reconstructs the function of the rotator cuff more precisely anatomically by performing upper joint cyst reconstruction and lower mitral muscle tendon transfer, and excellent clinical results.

In the study, Professor Lee Sang-hyun analyzed the anatomical shape of the humerus of patients with non-sealable rotator cuff rupture and performed upper arthroplasty and lower mitral muscle tendon reconstruction simultaneously accordingly. Through this, the patient was able to achieve both the stabilization of the shoulder joint through upper arthroplasty and the restoration of muscle function through mitral muscle tendon transfer.

Professor Lee Sang-hyun said, "Rotor cuff rupture depends on the progression of the disease and the patient's underlying disease and activity, and the satisfaction of the appropriate treatment method and treatment will vary. We will continue to study patients who suffer from rotator cuff rupture to receive the most appropriate customized treatment in the future."

Professor Lee Sang-hyun of Hallym University's Gangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Award for Video Exhibition at the International Conference of the Korean Orthopaedic Surgery Association
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This article was translated by Naver AI translator.