Honorary racehorse'Unbeatable','Clean Up Joy'Sungnam Farmland Celebration Event Completion

Nov 07, 2024

 Honorary racehorse'Unbeatable','Clean Up Joy'Sungnam Farmland Celebration Event Completion
Anseong Farmland celebration group photo of the prestigious race horse "Unbeatable"clean-up joy". Courtesy of the Korea Racing Authority

The Korea Racing Authority (Chairman Chung Ki-hwan) and the Seoul and Pukyong Horse Association (Cho Yong-hak, Shin Woo-chul) held a 'Welcome to Agricultural Cooperative Anseong Farmland, feat. Drubrett Welfare Fund contribution ceremony' on the 1st.

The event, which was held at Anseong Farmland, run by Nonghyup Economic Holdings, which signed a business agreement with the Korea Racing Authority, was attended by various organizations and horse racing fans, including the Seoul and Pukyeong Horse Association, the Isidol Rural Industrial Development Association, and the social welfare corporation Bitna, to celebrate the joining of the honorary racehorse.

'Unbeatable' is unrivalled in the history of Korean horse racing, winning the most prize money, and selecting the best national horse and year representative horse for the first time in Korea. The long-distance powerhouse 'Clean Up Joy' also brought joy to many horse racing fans by winning four grand prix and other grand prix races, starting with the KRA Cup Classic.

He is 17 and 13 years old this year, respectively, and is in his prime as a horse, but as a racehorse that was rich in an era, he showed off his smart eyes and beautiful figure even in unfamiliar situations where numerous people gathered, receiving congratulations and applause from many.

Chung Young-sik, who put his name instead of his name on the hall of fame 'Fruit of Love Honor Society', which is like a hall of fame for high-value donors with more than 100 million won, said in his congratulatory speech that he was able to exert a good influence through the symbolic existence of the great success of the party," he said, expressing his warm and humble heart.

"I would like to thank horse officials such as Ham Wan-sik and Jeju Ranch who have been together for a long time and have watched the growth and activities of 'Our Joy'," said Min Hyung-geun, who has continued to practice Nobleys Oblige as a face-to-face, reaching out to underprivileged neighbors in our society, including burn patients, blind children, and elderly people in dosshouses.

Another protagonist who shone as much as the honorary racehorse on this day was 45 children who joined to express their congratulations. The Face-to-face Association and 'Unbeatable' and 'Clean Up Joy' have been supporting the social welfare corporation, Bitna, and they came in one step after hearing the news of joining the honorary racehorse. In response, the Korean Horse Association delivered a message toward a world where both horses and people are happy by practicing animal welfare and child welfare at the same time, such as magic performances for children and animation screenings of honorary racehorses.

 Honorary racehorse'Unbeatable','Clean Up Joy'Sungnam Farmland Celebration Event Completion
Jeong Ki-hwan, president of the Korean Racing Authority, and Cho Yong-hak, president of the Seoul Racing Authority (from left), are taking a commemorative photo together after the ceremony to contribute to the Dudbrett Welfare Fund. Courtesy of the Korea Racing Authority
Since signing the business agreement in 2022, the Korea Racing Authority, Seoul, and Pukyong Face Association have been contributing Derverett Welfare Fund in a one-on-one matching grant method, which will raise a total of 10 billion won over five years. This year, in its second year, a total of 2 billion won was newly contributed, which is used to improve the welfare of racehorses, including ▶ support for injury and rehabilitation treatment of racehorses ▶ strengthening welfare according to the life cycle of the horse ▶ converting retired racehorses to passenger horses (enhancing purity).

Cho Yong-hak, president of the Seoul Racing Association, expressed the need to lay a foundation for stable financial resources through horse racing tax reform, saying, `For the future of the sustainable horse racing industry, the face-to-face association will continue to strive to strengthen the welfare of racehorses.'

Chairman Chung Ki-hwan of the Korea Racing Authority will continue close cooperation with the Korea Racing Authority for the development of horse welfare, and will strengthen customized horse welfare programs for each life cycle, including support for horse carvings, rehabilitation support for injured racehorses, and the hosting of the Korea Racing Authority (KRTC)"We will work hard to develop the domestic horse industry and spread animal welfare culture, such as revitalizing the honorary racehorse recreation ranch and supporting the development of tourist attractions currently operated in cooperation with Nonghyup Economic Holdings and the Isidol Rural Industrial Development Association."

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.