Watch out for same-sex sex men

Nov 06, 2024

Watch out for same-sex sex men
photo source=NYU, Daily Mail

Through sexual intercourse in New York, USA, a warning about a highly contagious fungal infection was issued.

According to foreign media such as the Daily Mail, medical staff recently reported in a US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that moldy white glands were found in the bodies of men who had same-sex sex.

Medical staff described four cases found in New York City.

In recent weeks, male patients who had sex with several men had itchy rashes on their hips, groin, and abdomen, and in one case, rash around the patient's mouth.

Tests revealed that they were infected with type 'Tricopyton mentagrophytes type VII (TMVII, Trichophyton mentagrophytes type VII)', which is transmitted through physical contact.

The condition can be very difficult to treat, often taking more than a month to treat and the patient has to take several medications and regimens.

Although not fatal, it can leave permanent scars or pigmentation on infected skin areas.

Doctors called the disease a `new infectious disease spread through sex.'

TMVII can infect skin, hair, nails, groin, or anal areas. It can also spread through contaminated environments such as showers and public barbershops.

The medical staff warned that the rash experienced by people infected with this type of white glands may appear differently from the more common ones and may be mistaken for eczema, leaving patients unattended for months.

All four identified male patients were gay or bisexual in their 30s and had several male sex partners recently.

In response, Dr. Avrom Kaplan, a professor at New York University School of Medicine, said "TMVII is the latest in a group of severe skin infections that have now reached the United States."

Also, Dr. John Zampela, a professor at New York University School of Medicine, said, `Patients are often reluctant to talk about genital problems, so doctors need to ask directly about the rashes around the groin and hips"Especially for those who have active sex life, have recently traveled abroad, and complain of itching in other parts of the body," he stressed.

Researchers at New York University said they plan to expand research efforts on new fungal conditions and work with leading fungal experts around the world to track new cases.

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.