Osteoporosis with holes in bones, preventive exercise and diet?
Feb 09, 2025
Professor Jeon Sang-hyun of orthopedic surgery at the Catholic University of Korea's Incheon St. Mary's Hospital said, "Osteoporosis is common in women and the elderly after middle age, and exercise is more important than anything else to prevent and manage it. Regular exercise strengthens bones and muscles and improves balance, which is effective in preventing osteoporosis and fractures." I summarized the exercise that is good for osteoporosis and safe exercise methods.
◇ Exercise to stimulate bones and strengthen muscle strength, effective in preventing osteoporosis
In order to prevent osteoporosis, exercise that gives proper stimulation to bones and strengthens muscles is effective. First, one of the good exercises for osteoporosis is weight-bearing exercise. Weight-bearing exercise puts pressure on bones and joints to strengthen them.
In particular, it is effective in strengthening bones around the pelvis, legs, and spine. Exercises such as walking, jogging, climbing stairs, and dancing are typical. Exercise intensity is performed at a level between relatively light intensity and normal intensity. It is recommended to exercise for at least 20 minutes and at least three days a week while maintaining 40-70% of the maximum pulse.
Resistance exercise is also effective in managing osteoporosis. Resistance exercises help keep bones healthy by strengthening muscle strength and stimulating them directly. It includes weight training using dumbbells or dumbbells, exercise using elastic bands, and strength training using gym equipment.
Professor Jeon Sang-hyun recommends starting with early push-ups, sit-ups, and sitting and standing up, and then moving on to weight training using instruments when you get used to it"In particular, it is better not to overdo weight training from the beginning, but to gradually reduce the break time while increasing the intensity at low intensity."
Balance and flexibility exercises are also important. Developing a sense of balance can prevent falling, which helps reduce the risk of fracture. Exercise such as yoga, tai chi, and stretching are recommended.
Although many older people often choose swimming that does not strain their bones and joints to prevent osteoporosis, recent research shows insufficient evidence on whether swimming can improve bone density in osteoporosis patients. However, strengthening muscle strength, activating sex hormones, and improving blood circulation in the body, which can be obtained through swimming, can prevent falls and delay the decrease in bone density, thereby reducing the occurrence of fractures caused by osteoporosis.
Professor Jeon Sang-hyun said, "If you are an elderly person, it is better to organize an exercise program so that the total time takes about an hour by combining warm-up, cleanup, aerobic and muscle exercises." "However, the positive effect of exercise on bones disappears quickly when you stop exercising." It is only possible to maintain its effectiveness if it is implemented steadily over a long period of time."
◇ Excessive and intense exercise may put pressure on the bones
When exercising, you should also remember some precautions. First of all, excessive weight load or excessive exercise can put a strain on the bones. It should start with the right intensity. It is also important to choose an exercise that suits you with the advice of a doctor or exercise expert before making an exercise plan. Be careful not to lose your balance during exercise and put safety first.
Along with regular exercise, a healthy lifestyle is also important. Take enough calcium and vitamin D to help bone health. Calcium-rich foods include milk, dairy products (cheese, yogurt, milk fermented beverages), and bone-eating fish (e.g., anchovies). Calcium or vitamin D supplements can be used if it is difficult to consume enough food alone. Both men and women are recommended to consume 800 to 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day and 800 IU or more of vitamin D per day. Even if you are diagnosed with osteoporosis and take medication, you should not stop supplementing calcium and vitamin D. An adequate amount of sunlight also helps bone health. It is also important to quit smoking and maintain proper weight.
Conversely, 800cc daily beer, three or more distilled spirits (90cc), and medium-sized wine (360cc) can increase the risk of fracture. Avoid situations that can cause fractures such as falls as much as possible.
Professor Sang-Hyun Jeon said, "A combination of regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle can prevent osteoporosis and maintain bone health for a long time."From today, I recommend that you start at least 30 minutes a day with the intensity that suits you." he advised.
This article was translated by Naver AI translator.