The cause of the world's first military wing...Presenting a New Diagnostic Biomarker

Mar 19, 2025

An ophthalmology professor Kim Dong-hyun's research team at Korea University Anam Hospital, along with Professor Ryu Hong-yeol's team at Kyungpook National University's School of Natural Sciences, identified the cause of the military wing for the first time in the world and presented a new diagnostic biomarker.

Group wings are a disease caused by abnormal proliferation of conjunctival tissue into corneal tissue, and are characterized by white membranes growing from the inner conjunctiva to the cornea. It is mainly known as a disease caused by degenerative changes in the conjunctiva, but the exact cause and cause of the disease have not been identified. In particular, even if the military wing is removed surgically, it is a disease with a high recurrence rate, and the need for research for effective prevention and treatment has been raised.

The research team analyzed the changes in histones (H3K4me3 and H3K9me3) by performing a ChIP-seq analysis on four patients with stage 3 military wings and four normal groups from November 2022 to September 2023. As a result of the study, it was confirmed that the gene related to eye disease increased by 434 and decreased by 490 in H3K4me3 of group wing patients. This means that certain genes may be abnormally activated or inhibited in group wing patients.

In addition, the research team confirmed that the H3K9me3 level of military wing patients increased more than 10 times compared to the normal group. H3K9me3 plays a role in inhibiting gene expression, and the research team found that H3K9me3 increase inhibits the expression of six major genes (ANK2, AOAH, CBLN2, CDH8, CNTNAP4, and DPP6).

The six genes are associated with various diseases such as breast cancer, Parkinson's disease, and pancreatic cancer, meaning that an increase in H3K9me3 can increase the risk of developing the disease, meaning that military wings are likely to be related to other systemic diseases beyond simple eye diseases.

Professor Kim Dong-hyun explained that the abnormal increase in H3K9me3 suppresses gene expression, which may increase the risk of developing not only military wings but also various diseases.

Professor Kim Dong-hyun then said, `This study proved for the first time in the world that H3K9me3 levels are abnormally high in military wings"H3K9me3 is a major factor in regulating gene expression, so it will be possible to use it to establish a new strategy for early diagnosis and treatment of military wings."." In addition, if a biomarker diagnostic method using H3K9me3 is developed, it can help predict the possibility of progression and recurrence of military wings," he said.

Meanwhile, this research paper was recently published in the prestigious international journal 『BMC Ophthalmol" in the field of ophthalmology.

The cause of the world's first military wing...Presenting a New Diagnostic Biomarker
Professor Kim Dong-hyun (left) and Professor Ryu Hong-yeol

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.