I was wondering why it was itchy... Watch out for atopic dermatitis during the change of seasons

Mar 19, 2025

I was wondering why it was itchy... Watch out for atopic dermatitis during the change of seasons
Photo provided = Korea University Cancer Hospital

There is a skin disease that is particularly prone to exacerbation during the change of seasons when the temperature difference between day and night gets worse. It's atopic dermatitis. This is because the daily temperature difference increases, which increases the amount of skin moisture loss and damages the skin barrier. In particular, excessive indoor heating or frequent bathing with hot water for a long time can further increase the amount of water loss on the skin, which can worsen the symptoms of atopic dermatitis.

Atopy, which refers to an excessive immune response to food or inhalant substances, includes atopic dermatitis, asthma, allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, etc. Among them, atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease with itching and dry skin, which begins in infancy or childhood, and in some cases, symptoms can be alleviated or disappeared with growth. The cause of atopic dermatitis is still much to be identified, but genetic factors, environmental factors, and immune response abnormalities are considered as representative causes.

Infant atopic dermatitis is characterized by itching and erythema on both cheeks after 2 to 3 months of age, and may also appear in the denigrated areas of the head and limbs. Pediatric atopic dermatitis occurs frequently in bent areas of limbs, hips, eyelids, wrists, ankles, and neck folds, and in severe cases, can be soured or scabbed. In adolescents and adults, papules with thickening skin or severe itching are common, and in some adult patients, they are limited to the face, hands, and nipples. Atopic dermatitis sometimes improves or disappears with age, but it lasts for decades in the form of other allergic diseases such as asthma, rhinitis, and conjunctivitis, causing physical and mental pain.

Treatment of atopic dermatitis can start with something relatively simple that reduces the accompanying symptoms of dermatitis, such as itching, along with hydration to dry skin. When a patient with atopic dermatitis scratches due to itching, the eczema lesion worsens and the worsened lesion causes more severe itching, and the vicious cycle repeats. Therefore, when itching, it is recommended to avoid excessive irritation such as repeatedly scratching, hot water bathing, or using a dryer on the skin and apply skin moisturizer from time to time. If it is not controlled by moisturizer alone, you should be prescribed a topical steroid or a topical immunomodulator through a dermatologist's consultation and use it regularly. Also, it is a good idea to turn on a humidifier or hang a wet towel to prevent the room from drying out.

Professor Kim Dae-hyun of the Department of Dermatology at Korea University Anam Hospital said "Dry skin may worsen as people spend more time living indoors due to fine dust in spring and turn on indoor heating during severe daily temperatures. Especially during the change of seasons in spring, atopic dermatitis may worsen due to the ease of exposure to air pollutants such as pollen and fine dust. "In this case, you should pay more attention to moisturizing and ventilation and maintain the cleanliness of your bedding. If atopic dermatitis is suspected, you should visit a dermatologist and receive appropriate treatment for yourself, he advised.

I was wondering why it was itchy... Watch out for atopic dermatitis during the change of seasons
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This article was translated by Naver AI translator.