Implementation of a Customized Health Functional Food System...You can buy as many servings and combinations as you want
Mar 20, 2025
The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety announced on March 19 that it will implement a customized health functional food system in accordance with the revised 「Enforcement Rules of the Health Functional Food Act」.
'Customized health functional food' is a system in which consumers directly consult with a customized health functional food manager with professional qualifications such as pharmacists and nutritionists, and then the business operator divides and combines necessary health functional foods and sells them to the consumer.
The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, which has evaluated safety management standards and methods for the sale and consumption of customized health functional foods through pilot projects since 2020, revised the Health Functional Food Act last year to provide a legal basis for the customized health functional food system. After the full-scale implementation of the system, the registration information of customized health functional food vendors will be disclosed to the Food and Safety Administration.
The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety said that while the introduction of a customized health functional food system increases the convenience and economy of purchasing health functional food, operators and consumers should be careful not to over consume or unnecessary health functional food.
First of all, operators must comply with safety management standards such as formulations that can be divided and combined, daily intake, and indications, and can purchase liability insurance to compensate for consumer damage. Consumers should also be careful not to cause side effects by accurately providing information on health functional foods or medicines currently being taken during counseling, and check the intake, intake method, and precautions indicated on the product before eating. In addition, if abnormal cases occur due to product intake, they can stop eating, consult with experts, or report them to a customized health functional food operator or abnormal case reporting center.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety is providing precautions when taking health functional foods and medicines together in the Comprehensive Health Functional Food Information Service.
This article was translated by Naver AI translator.